Monday, 17 October 2011

Back To School!

YO PEEPS! I'm back! :D Sorry for "vanishing" for so many days, I'm too lazy to update about my life, and I'm too busy going for my yoga lessons :P Totally in love with yoga now!

So! Today marks the first day of school! Yes, I'm super excited 'cause I get to see all of my classmates and awesome lecturers, as well as the fact that I managed to receive my Rainie Yang's and Simple Plan's albums from my little sister! :D She's amazing, thank you for the SUPER early birthday presents! I can't help but to stare at the albums, mainly on Rainie's album because I'm totally obsessed with her, NO.1 FAN! (not really, since I only started liking her since 2010, after watching Hi My Sweetheart. It's a super hilarious show, you guys should really watch it!) I just took the opportunity to promote her drama! ^^ I have to make sure that the poster is not damaged and I was on the "ninja mode" for the entire day till I reached home, and carefully placed the album and poster into my "Rainie Only" cupboard! :D I love her!

And, I have to say that having SUNBURN is NOT COOL -.- I have sunburn on my nose, which is not really that serious, and on my shoulders! The pain is the worst on my shoulders! I have to scream and shout like nobody can hear me while my mum was applying the gel for me >.< Oh gosh, I cannot never imagine myself screaming like that O_O I have no idea that sunburn can hurts so much, and my mum said that my skin is going to have an infection soon (woah, she's physic!) Hopefully not, because this means that I can't sleep properly due to the pain, oh well, I shall just take good care of it and make sure it gets better in no time. AND NO MUM, I WILL NOT STOP SWIMMING FOR 2 WEEKS JUST BECAUSE I HAVE SUNBURN! >:( Yeah, I've found my passion- SWIMMING under the HOT SUN :D Whee~

I'm going to stare at my Rainie's stuff now xD Byebye people~ peace out! xoxo

PS. Did you guys notice that this blog post's title is a total match for my blog's background? :P

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