Sunday, 5 August 2012

A Single Decision.

Decision making is always tough. 
You can't anticipate the consequences. 
You won't know how your decision will affects the others. 
Either way, you will still end up hurting someone you don't want to. 

"I respect your decision", "Let's just go by your decision." I've said that countless times to a couple of people, and I honestly question myself, am I really alright with the decisions that they've made? Some decisions can hurt so bad, but you simply won't admit it. Going with the flow will sometimes be better than trying to think of a better solutions to solve things and work things out. I'm used to telling people I'm alright with the decisions that they've made, but maybe, I am not alright with it at all.. Perhaps I am just too tired to make my own decisions because I don't think my decisions will be fair. If I can't make a fair and square decision, I'd rather not take the risk. If I just want a decision that benefits myself only, there's no way I am going to make that decision.. 

Honestly, I still hate to make decisions..

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