Sunday, 9 September 2012


Sorry for being on hiatus again! My bad! Anyway, I went to catch the local movie, "Imperfect" On Wednesday with my girlfriend, Wanying and Wen Ting. I love the movie, or rather, it's probably one of the local movies that I fell in love with, it has an excellent concept, the cast was pretty good, love the plot. It brings out the whole feeling of being "rebellious" and how parents will feel when they see their child slipping away from them.. Alright, confession time, I DID CRY when I was watching the movie. In fact, I cried when the movie just started, well, I was just too into the movie, I mean, I'm born emotional that's why. It's hard to stop my tears from falling.. I was sitting beside my girlfriend, I think she knew that I cried! She's quite smart although I did try to cover up and find ways to wipe away my tears. I will do certain actions to wipe my tears away, but I shall not reveal or... You know what I mean ;)

I went to my girlfriend's house for stay over from Wednesday to Friday, was fun and I ate like a pig. That means I've gained tons of weight! Oh well, food are meant to be enjoy! In any case, really a big thank you to my girlfriend for letting me spend the time at her house! I've managed to skip work, housework and my mum's nagging, so yes, thank you girlfriend ^^ I had fun, and I hope you did too!

Thank you girlfriend, please remember that you are the best :)

I'm loving my job more and more now even though I'm the target when my mangers want to disturb someone! It's like suddenly, I have so many scandals at KFP now, like Hafiz (he's my manager), Shi Sheng, Binesh and Sandeep. Sigh, I swear I am still single, those people whom I've mentioned earlier are just brother and good friends to me! But, I have to say, both Shi Sheng and Hafiz are really sweet! The reason why I said Shi Sheng is a sweet guy was because he bought for me Gong Cha even though I didn't request for it. I was settling a bill for a customer when he approached me and told me he got my Gong Cha, I literally  went into shocked and surprised mode! It was too surprised for me so I thanked him profusely, I kept thanking him until I got off from work. 
Hafiz,yes, everyone in KFP thinks that me and him are together, but really, no we are not! He has a girlfriend and we're really just friends. He loves to flirt with me though. He held my hands twice today in front of Ee Shi and keeps winking at me whenever I walk passed him, FLIRT MUCH! Okay, although he's a huge flirt, he's sweet! I told him that my middle finger was hurting (don't think in the wrong manner, I DID NOTHING!) and without saying a word, he took out the medicated oil from the cupboard and help me massage my finger. I guess that's the reason why everybody thinks that we are together. BUT NO, IF WE ARE, IT WILL BE A JOKE.  Nevertheless, I am still glad that I am enjoying my work so much right now! If I ever quit, I have no idea how to handle the emotions that follow.

Something made my night today! My sister's friend commented that I have a nice body figure, like some sort of fairy! *giggles* I know it's not the truth, but having to receive the compliment from a kid, I'm happy enough. My mum then replied her and said that I was too short, SERIOUSLY MUM?! Well, let's not escape from the truth, it's pretty evident that I am short, so whatever *flips hair* Now now now, I am thinking of a present to give to Mei Shin because her birthday is approaching, and honestly, I have no idea what I can get for her. HARD TIME! I shall spend some time to think about it, hopefully I can come up with a gift idea!

OH YES YES! I ALMOST FORGOT! Some Mediacorp artistes came to KFP and had their breakfast today! I didn't know until Shi Sheng told me, it's funny how he knows I will pay attention to such things! In any case, I wanted to take picture with them, but on second thought I didn't. Firstly, I was too scared and shy to ask for a picture with them, and secondly, I don't want to disrupt their privacy, should respect them ^^ The 3 artistes that came were Jayley Woo, Yang Wei Lie and this pretty lady whom I can't remember her name (sorry for that!) I got the chance to serve them today so I'm basically over the moon! I was super nervous when I approached their table! OH WELL, WHAT TO DO?! CELEBRITIES! ALL OF THEM LOOK SUPER GOOD IN PERSON!

This is how me and my girlfriend communicate when we are at Starbucks: COFFEE :) Thanks for the coffee treat! 

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