Friday, 5 October 2012


"I don’t know how I got here,
I knew it wouldn't be easy,
But your faith in me was so clear,
It didn't matter how many times I got knocked on the floor."
- Justin Bieber 

Let me just apologized once again for being on hiatus for a few weeks, I was busy with work and I'm doing night shifts most of the time. When I get home, it's already too late to blog and I'm always tired whenever I reached home. There's nothing really exciting about my life currently so I didn't blog as much, but, just wait for another 10 more days! School's gonna start real soon, and I'm assuming that there's gonna be lots of fun when school starts again. I miss going to school, weird I know.

Just before I start, I want to share a photo! It's the best moment of my life! Simply priceless. For those of you who don't know who he is, well, let's just take it as he's a hunk.

The lady on the right is my manager, isn't she cute? Without her help, I'd probably not be able to snap a picture with him. Thank you Anna! <3

Alright, here are more pictures taken during class chalet! 

End of chalet photos, it's time for some webcam photos! I swear the three of us looked really silly! Oh well, what's new?

& I think I look really cute in this photo!

It was the first mochi sweets that Wanying & I tried, the first bite was heavenly, but the both of us didn't like the cream in it.. Sigh, it should be cream-less! 

Last night was really crazy for me, everything happened so fast that till now, I'm still trying to sort out my thoughts. People always say, "hurt me with the truth and not the lies", but the issue here for me is, can I even handle the pain and hurt when the truth has surfaced? I'm not that type of person who will hate someone for hurting me, and honestly, it's really pointless, I don't see the need to. I'll just end up giving myself more pain and hurt if I hate someone, that's how it works. Frankly speaking, I never learn my lesson, I never did. Time after time, I'm always having high hopes on things that I shouldn't even have hopes in. That's when I really crash hard and fast. It has happened for a few times, and each time it happens, I told myself I will not let myself get hurt again, but look what happened, the same shit happens again and again. Am I too kind to people that's why I get hurt so easily or is it really the fact that I never did learn my lessons that's why... No matter what, no amount of sorry will take away the pain and hurt you've caused, but I won't blame you.. Reality is cruel, I just need to accept it.

Time to get my thoughts off that topic for awhile. Anyway, I went to Paradise Groups HQ to sign my appointment letter to be a regular part timer in KFP. I have to say, the building is really secluded and it's too far off from the HQ that I imagined it to be.. Oh well, at least it looks decent on the inside. In any case, I am still waiting for my card to be delivered to Bugis, it's gonna be another "like a boss" moment for me because my name will appear on the order paper whenever I key in new order, it's just simply too cool to be a fool.. That was random! Ignore that. The contract will last for 3 months and it will end exactly a day before my birthday, which means I get to enjoy my birthday without having to worry about work. I'll have to work every weekends for 11 hours each, but it's not of a worry to me anymore because I've survived 12 hours of work on Wednesday! I am so proud of myself till now! *pats my shoulder*



And now... THE SCRIPT!

HALL OF FAME! I love the song, it's meaningful :) 

Alright, time to get my fingers off the keyboard for a while, bye peeps, "see you" guys in a while! 

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