Monday, 29 October 2012

The Dark Side.

My apologies for not updating my blog for the past 2 weeks. I have been busy with my work and school hasn't been any kinder to me either. Whenever I feel like blogging, my tiredness just gets over me and I will just head to bed after I bathe. I needed the rest, but honestly, I didn't really get to rest much. I am still as tired as ever. Sigh. Alright, I deleted my previous draft of this post and I forgot what my girlfriend post here, but just wanna say, I still love her no matter what (I hope she sees this though). Anyway, too many things happened over the past couple of weeks, so I shall try to post about what I can remember. Good luck reading ths post if I decide to have a long one!

Oh, the first thing that came to mind was the fact that I just went to take my laptop! Oh yeah, you can totally imagine how happy and excited I am right now because I'm running my fingers on the keyboarad (don't you ever dare to think widly, oops!) I love my new laptop, especially the keyboard because it's just oh so nice! It makes me feel like I'm really typing in a super fast speed! Anyway, I bought this laptop using my pay so I'm gonna be extra careful with it because it's gonna last me for a couple of years before I have the cash to get another one. In any case, I'm already glad that my mum agreed to let me buy a new laptop. Thanks mummy <3

The second thing that came to my mind was about my work. I worked for 11 hours each for three days straight over the weekends, sigh, it was really tiring but I sruvived and I will continue to hang in there till my contract ends! In any case, I'm pretty much the weekend bar person now. For all the three days that I went to work, I was stuck inside the bar most of the time trying to tackle the never-ending orders & honestly, I hate it when I receive orders like smoothies, shakes or frappes. Sigh, why can't people be less complicated and just order drinks like iced tea or milk tea, it will definitely make my life inside the bar easier :) Alright, that's not really the main thing. The main thing is, for every time that I get to work inside the bar, I will have countless & unknown injuries. I swear I'm really accident and injuires prone when I work. Let's see, I have two huge bruises on my right leg, a few cuts on both my hands and muscle ache due to the continuous effort in trying to scoop the ice cream and shape them into a ball, like a really round ball... It's tedious. *sigh* Nevertheless, I still love my job. If attachment is not taxing, I will continue to work there till I graduate!


Hmm, maybe it's time for me to share about my thoughts again. I've changed a lot recently amd frankly speaking, I did notice the change in myself and I dislike the change in me. Somehow, the change in me has caused many people around me to be disappointed, most importantly, even I'm disappointed in myself. I'm still controlling myself, because if I don't, I know more people will be disappointed in me. I've became someone I said I'll never be and it's really scary. Everything happened too fast, so fast that I didn't have the time to comprehend. But I should know blame time for the change in me, it's just myself. I find myself scary and not to mention, I find myself getting selfish and "cold-hearted". I don't really know how I should explain that term, but those around me will know it..

Time to display some wonders from kfp :) Really love the people over there!

Yep, time for me to do some revision now :) shall try to update my blog more frequently, no promises though.

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