Wednesday, 8 February 2012


 I'm going to complain before I start to share about my day, bear with me a little will you? :) Thank you! 

I like it when I reach home, and everyone's not in, I just have the entire house to my own. I can do anything I like, sing, dance, scream, shout and just be crazy. However, things were not the same anymore ever since CNY *sigh* What more can you expect during festive season, other than happiness, celebration, YES, GAMBLING! I don't gamble, so I don't really know what is the addiction all about, or rather, what is it that one is feeling when she/he is gambling. (I play poker cards purely for fun, joy, laughter and entertainment) My mum simply loves to gather her friends at home for rounds and rounds of mahjong and other card games. I don't mind having her friends at home, it just makes me a little annoyed at how they talk so loudly  at my house when the other party is either beside them or opposite them, with all of them sitting around the table. YOU  DON'T HAVE TO TALK AS IF ONE OF THEM ARE IN AMERICA AND YOU'RE ALL THE WAY IN SINGAPORE! >.< The other thing that I don't really appreciate from them is the smoke coming from their cigarettes. OH GOSH, I experience this everyday because my dad smokes and I never liked it. It makes me feel unhealthy.. and I really don't like the smell. I'm not against smokers, it's just that, smoking is unhealthy, not just for the smoker, but for those who are around the smokers as well. I need to check on my lungs soon, to make sure it's still in good shape! 

Alright, I am done complaining :D I shall talk more about my day now! Thank you for being patient and for reading my complain.

First thing first, I think that I will do badly for my case management test.. I have no idea what I was answering and I just simply couldn't concentrate on the paper, my mind kept floating and wandering off to somewhere. I didn't managed to complete the paper, and for the questions that I've answered, the quality of my answers were not well presented. Oh well, what more can be done? What's done cannot be undone, I can only hope for the best and hope that I won't really do as badly as I think I would be. I shall not dwell on this anymore and focus on the remaining papers. YES! 4 MORE PAPERS TO HANDLE!  GO ELAINE! YOU CAN DO IT! :D Yep, self-efficacy, I know right! ;) 

I think I have bipolar, I can super emo at certain time and in the blink of an eye, I can be really crazy and high. No, I'm not on drugs, just high. Fun can occur without having to take drugs :) I've finally found a way, an outlet for me to express my thoughts, thoughts that are too personally and sensitive to be share on my blog and I really have to thank my friend for suggesting the method to me. ARE YOU ALL VERY CURIOUS TO KNOW WHAT IS IT? :P Well, it makes you tired and sometimes, you just feel like you want to give up doing that particular thing to express your thoughts and feelings. GUESS! I shall just reveal the answer, it's to pen down everything, your feelings, thoughts, concerns and other aspects into a piece of a paper or book. Don't censore what you wanna write, even if it's all the profanities, just write them down because those are your true feelings. I wrote mine on a book, there's a total of 5 pages filled with words. I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF! Actually, I think it's better to pen down on a piece of paper, especially when you are dealing with a issue filled with anger, after writing down, you can just tear the paper as a way of releasing your anger and frustration! ^^ 

Anyway, I do feel much better after writing all that I've been keeping within me on the book, and I'm amazed how my hand feels alright and not tired after all the writing! Maybe I was too overwhelmed  by my emotions to be bothered by how my hand was doing. I like the feeling of sorting your thoughts out and you just feel lighter, like a burden is finally off your shoulder. As usual, after all the crying, and catharsis, I returned to my original self- the one who's crazy and hyper! I still prefer the hyper me, the upset and hurting me is not the real me. 

I love to play with paper cube :) it's fun and exciting! Oh, did I mention, other than Temple Run, throwing/tossing/kicking/smashing paper cube is another way for me to relieve stress. AND TEMPLE RUN IS A SUPER AWESOME GAME, I'M ADDICTED TO IT! I am currently looking for ways to relieve stress especially during exam period! I have no idea how "Royal Flush" can make someone go all crazy and insane. I was playing Big 2 with my friends in class, and Ey got a little too high for us to handle just because she managed to get to royal flush! Thank goodness I am still sane, which is pretty a surprising! I have problem pronouncing the word "flush", I have the tendency to pronounce it was "FRUSH" O_O 

Badminton calms me down too, other than swimming :) Played badminton with Wen Ting, Ey,  Charmaine, Nicole and Mike and I swear, Charmaine and Mike are really crazy! I have no idea Charm can create sounds even though she's playing badminton, kudos to her! I laughed my heads off as I paired with her and played against Nic and Mike, she's really super hilarious! I have to try so hard to stop and control my laughing effect from acting up! It was fun and enjoyable and I felt even better after playing badminton! :D 

I have to bring camera to school tomorrow, which means there's a chance of changing display picture! AWESOME MUCH! :) I hope everything will go well tomorrow for everyone, I shall listen to a few songs before I start with my revision again! :) Stay tune for my posts! 

"Smile because it has happened, and not cry because it is over."

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