Thursday, 14 June 2012

Productive Day!

I really need to learn how to stay focus at times, especially when I am studying or doing projects with my group mates! I tend to get distracted easily, I need to change that! I love the feeling of being able to stay focus despite all the distractions around, like my phone and iPod, well, that moment of satisfaction rarely occurs anyway, so I shall not have high hopes towards it..

Today was a pretty productive day for me as well as for my group. I think we need to have our meetings at the dining table instead of the living room area because the sofas have hypnotizing skills. We have a higher likelihood of falling asleep, or rather, "brainstorming" like how my group mates call it whenever we have our project discussion in the living room. Oh wait, sorry that I forgot to mention, we love going to Charmaine's house for our projects! It's like our second home! Anyway, the previous time when we went to her house for project, we "brainstormed" more than we discussed about our presentation which is going to occur on the 26 June, first group to present for crisis intervention module! *shivers* I hope everything goes well for that day, I shall try not to use any script during any of the presentations so that I can portray the "professional look"!

This is how the professional feeling! 
Did I mention? I love the phrase "LIKE A BOSS"! Okay, that was something random! OH YES YES. I REMEMBERED SOMETHING! One of my group members went overseas today and she left the four of us here, trying so hard to squeeze our brain juice for the project. Tsk, this is not a good sign! We shall have our revenge when she comes back to Singapore! Oops, I hope she doesn't come after me when she reads this post! Oh well, I shall prepare myself lest she really comes after me with a chopper! 

I think I want to work well children in the future mainly because I think that they are really innocent and deserve a problem-free childhood, just fun, laughter, toys and candies :) I smile whenever I see their smiles, it's the best gift you can ever receive from a kid! However, working with children isn't my main priority, I still hope to work in either special needs or elderly sector. At first, my plan was to get into an organization that focuses on elderly work because I can connect well with them (not that I am old, no, I am always young at hear!). I love to listen to their stories and their knowledge is something special & valuable to me! After attending the lectures on special needs and making a visit down to Dignity Kitchen, I realized I do have an interest and passion towards people with special needs as well. They are different, not less (this is a phrase I've learned from watching Temple Grandin). I really hope that one day, people will reduced their discrimination towards those who have special needs and not treat them any lesser than how they should be treated. I think I wanna work with people who has physical disabilities, either that or I will want to work with people who has autism. In any case, as long as I am able to help those who are in need and render my help to the society, I really don't mind which sector I am going to work in.

Just feel like sharing something random before I end this post. I just had a short phone call with one of the best lecturers in this whole entire earlier because I was asking him about SFBT :) Yes, it's Jim. I miss having him as our lecturer, all those jokes and stories that he shared with us were something I miss the most about him. I hope he is doing well and that the class gets to meet up with him soon! 

I have no idea why I "talked" so much today, probably just one of those "I feel like typing a lot" day! I shall try to sleep early tonight. I need to wake up tomorrow because I have to go for work. I shall not be late since it's my first day of work! 

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