It all happened when I stepped into the class and saw words on the board, basically stating that there are a total of 4 lizards lurking in our class, and one tiny one has been caught. I'm not scared of lizards, I'm just disgusted by it because it's slimy and I don't like that feeling.. Since I am not scared of them, it's not a big deal to me. However, it is a big deal for my lecturer because lizards are blacklisted on her list. STRICTLY NO LIZARDS! It's kind of like a doomsday for her. She took the back door instead of the front door because some of my friends were playing with the baby lizard. Of course, she was overwhelmed and that's why she took the back door to escape from the lizard! This is not the funniest part!
Okay, so the entire class knows that she is afraid of lizards, and we tricked her by saying there's a lizard near her and she will be shocked and just shun away from that area. The funniest part came when class was dismissed. I took the chance to scare her and made it sound real, so I shouted to her in a pretty intense tone that there's a lizard near her! She jumped and was so terrified, it was good that she didn't scream, I would have laughed even more! When she realized that I tricked her, she aimed a marker towards my direction, luckily I managed to catch it! I am so proud of myself, I have awesome catching skills, just kidding! :) Well, I know I'm like a bad student because I prank a lecturer but I meant no harm, I'm just mischievous when it comes to such thing.
Setting aside that, the focus group interview with the year ones was alright although we started a little late from the time planned. Everything went well and I'm glad about the outcome, pretty productive. I switched my roles with wy because she said she can't handle the typing role, so gladly and happily, I accepted the switch of roles because I love to type for some reasons. I'm cool like this! During the interview, I could hear the keyboard going "tak tak tak", and I love the sounds because firstly, it makes me feel like I'm typing very quickly and secondly, it makes me feel like a professional. I swear that it was my fastest typing speed ever during the interview! I LOVE IT!
I hate it when I over think too much and start to imagine things, my mood turns bad and my face turns into one that says "don't mess with me or you shall bear the consequences".. Sigh.
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