I am currently in school and I have no idea why I even reached school so early when lessons are only starting at 12pm.. I guess I just don't want to stay at home that's why! I am so used to going to school early that I will feel weird and funny if I don't go to school early. I have been reaching school by 9am everyday for this week. I am so used to it now. Oh well, I guess my body is adjusted to waking up early now. Not exactly sure if that's a good thing. I need more sleep, I realized that. I have been falling asleep while I'm studying and had to ask Hor Kuan to call me if I don't reply her by a certain time.. Sigh, this is how tired I can be.
I feel like a slacker now because my friends who are sitting beside me are all working hard for their projects, and here am I blogging my time away and doing nothing. I have a confession to make, I have been eating way too much recently, especially during breakfast. For yesterday, I ate 2 waffles, a plain and a cheese one in school, before that, I bought Sausage McMuffin from McDonald's and I ate a slice of bread at home. What's happening to me? I am really eating a lot for breakfast. I need to control my appetite in the morning. I am hungry now, I WANT FOOD. This is a WANT, NOT a need. Oops, too much marketing revision!
I can't blog in peace right now because Hor Kuan is disturbing me, she "ninja" the keyboard, typing random letters on the screen! (she is doing it now again!) She has been disturbing me since last night, about me and Wen Yang, so to her, both of us are a couple now just because we went for a swim together in school last Friday, I have a feeling she will continue to disturb me about this issue. I shall contain it... *take deep breathes*
hello i just heck her blog. (that was typed by her O_O)
I am so lazy to continue blogging now, I want to eat sweet, I WANT GUMMY BEAR. BYEBYE.
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