Sunday, 22 July 2012


I am such a forgetful person, oh well! *sigh*

I remembered a few incidents that has happened over the past few days when I was bathing. I always remember things or inspiration hits me whenever I am bathing, this is not the first time. It seems to me that I will have to bathe before every exam starts so that I can remember all the information better, sounds like a plan! The toilet has become a place for me to regain my memory!

The reason why I had a new post is because I don't want to make the previous post too wordy and I am too lazy to press the "EDIT" button!

Anyway, I went to the TCM like.. I think 2 days ago to have my wrist checked. Amazingly and surprisingly, the injury was serious enough to affect the other areas like my back and my neck. I wanted to just have my wrist checked the other day and the doctor told me that my back might be affected since it's interconnected, true enough, she was right. My back was aching like nobody business.. I thought it was just a small injury, totally didn't expect it to worsen or affect other areas. Our body is fill with wonders! I have yet to check on my previously injured ankle as well as my knee.. Time for a full body checkup.... SOON! That was the most painful experience ever in my 18 years of life, the way she rubbed my back, hand and neck was as if I've done something so wrong to her! But, she said I was a better pain bearer than my mum! YAY! SORRY MUM.

Next thing that I remembered was that I went for grocery shopping with my mum and sister yesterday and spent about over $70.. Thank goodness we brought this one card along which has a few credits instead that's why we were able to offset the amount :) So we ended up paying about $66 or so.. I brought glutinous balls, Listerine mouth wash and cereal for myself! I love grocery shopping because it's fun. I have a hunch that I'm born to be a housewife. I had black pepper chicken chop for dinner last night and my mum was pretty amazed that I managed to finish it in such a short time. OH MUMMY, I WAS JUST BEING HUNGRY, YOU SEE.

I bought a hair serum by Silkpro and because of it, I love my hair now. It's so smooth and soft and the amazing thing is, I've only used it for a day! It's the most effective hair serum I have every purchased in my life, not that I've bought a lot last time.. but yeah :) It cost $9.50 and I guess it's a good deal for me since the results are to my expectations! GOOD JOB.

Just in case you are wondering how does the serum looks like, this is it:

It's just a small bottle, around 55ml :) just a few drops and you will feel the miracle on your hair. I just sounded like a salesperson for that product. This is what happens when you study too much on marketing. Oh, how I love my hair, love my hair, love my hair!

I think that's all... If I ever remember again, just read the first sentence of this post :) BYEBYE.

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