Friday, 30 December 2011

Back To My Hometown.

Aloha mates~ :D I'm finally back in Singapore , was away for holiday recently to visit my relatives and spend Christmas with them! (I swear my keyboard hates me for abandoning it for so long, I can't seem to type properly!) It felt nice to be able to go back and visit my relatives, but I certainly do miss all my friends over here in Singapore. Something to note is that, I didn't managed to attend the first ever Christmas party over at my friend's house, it's a huge shame! :( Oh well, I shall wait for next year, and make sure I attend my class parties if anyone should organize again! I still have yet to decorate a Christmas tree, poor me!

Anyway, the bus ride back was a little disturbing for me and it made me nauseous, given the traffic jams with those constant go-and-stop movements. In any case, I manged to reach my destination safe and sound, and of course, on time! :D I tried to study on the bus, but I've failed terribly because the journey is bumpy, and I can't seem to write and focus my attention on the words, my mind kept drifting to somewhere, which I have no idea where. I have a huge problem sleeping too >.< something is seriously very wrong with me. Sigh. Well, I don't mind that so-called tough journey I've had when I go back home, it's fine because I get to taste my aunt's cooking. I was welcomed by delicious dishes for dinner, I couldn't stop eating, and that explains why I've gained weight, AGAIN >_> Home cooked food is always the best~ My mum should seriously cook more often. Now that I'm back, I'm gonna miss those dishes real badly!

I'm actually very lazy and tired to update, but I shall try to update as much as I can for today. I'm gonna divide my trip back into a few posts, so that I don't have to cramp all the details together,  reading thousands and thousands of words can make people go crazy! I went to catch "Alvin and The Chipmunks 3" with my cousins when I was back there, it's a really nice movie, and I got to admit, I love it! :D Filled with excitement and fun, a movie I don't regret watching~ I bought quite a lot of things on my first day to the mall, and ended up not buying anything for the rest of the trips to the mall T_T smart me. I think it's just my excitement acting all over me. I didn't go out the next day and stayed home for the entire day, just one word to describe: BORING. I buried myself in my textbook and in the planning of my group activity. I can die from all the stress, not so serious, but somewhere close. Yeah, glad I get the planning done, just need to try it out to see if it works. I have to say, I have sweet blood, very very sweet! I attracted tons of mosquitoes when I was back there, and my legs look ugly now, but it's fine :)

I'm gonna study now, shall update again. Peace out! xoxo

Monday, 19 December 2011

SMRT Breakdown.

I haven't been posting for quite some time, was really busy helping out the seniors with their Dare To Care campaign as well with projects. Though I'm busy, this week has been pretty alright for me, at least I lead the week happily :) There's just one issue that makes me really mad- people are demanding the CEO of SMRT to resign. Seriously, I don't think there's a need for that, it's a move that I don't support nor recommend. I was reading Yahoo! News the other day and came across this article, which makes my blood boils.

In any case, I'm sure the CEO shouldn't be held full responsibility for the disruption of the MRT services, it's pretty obvious that she is also having a hard time dealing with these incident, and as a nation, why can't we be united and help each other out, or at least emphatize with those who are actually being so stressed up with this issue? No doubt, SMRT has its faults due to this incident, but the CEO did nothing wrong. She didn't plan for this to happen, she didn't cause this as a result of wanting to sabotage her own job, her own reputation. I don't get why people want her to resign. Does her resignation makes those who are frustrated feel better or forget about this incident? NO. What will people think if she just resign? How is she every be able to lift up her head again? Once she resign, everyone will label her as the "fault" for this breakdown. She don't deserve this, all people think about is wanting someone to bear responsibility. Yes, someone has to bear responsibility, but definitely, not to blame the CEO fully for it. Maybe this time, she did made a mistake, maybe she overlook some technical issues, but did anyone actually consider the amount of stress that she is feeling right now, at this very moment? Do you really think that being a CEO is an easy job? To err is part of life, she is a leader of the company, yes, that's true, but which human being on Earth has not committed a slight mistake, even if it's a small one? I don't understand why people should give her a "death penalty" just because of this incident. I believe in giving others a second chance, let her prove to the nation that she still has the capability to lead and to ensure that everything of SMRT operates smoothly. When the train services are working normally, bringing people to places that they wished to go, sending them safely to their school or workplaces, nobody bother to even thank those who worked round the clock to ensure the transport networks are fine. When the train services broke down, people start to rant, start to complain, start to push the blame to someone who is going through a hard time as well. Stop for a moment and think, who want this to happen? Be grateful that the there's still bus services and taxis around to pick people up, be thankful that the service are resumed back to normal.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011


The reason why I'm talking about forgiveness is due to a group activity did by my friend today during lesson, it was a meaningful activity, which really got me emotional and reflecting on my own actions as well as the extent of forgiveness I'm willing to give to someone and myself.

I was being asked, "What's your definition of forgiveness?" There were quite a number of answers for that in my mind when I was being prompted to answer, but the answer I gave was "To let go of the hurt that someone has inflicted on you and continue to love and respect that person." It wasn't that difficult to share with people my thought on forgiveness, but having to change the words into actions is a tough task, and I admit, I'm not good at that.. There's 2 sides of forgiveness I'm talking about here, one is the forgiveness towards myself, and another aspect would be the forgiveness I can offer to others, like my friends and family. Maybe just to say, I find it easier to forgive others than to forgive myself.

I've encountered several times of heartbreaking and hurtful moments in my life and those days were the hardest to get by. Those harsh words, criticizing remarks, bringing me down again and again with all those comments, making me feel plain useless and that all the faults were sparked off by me. I kept quiet, the silence was quite enough to indicate the degree of pain and hurt that were inflicted upon me, but keeping quiet doesn't mean I don't care, keeping silent doesn't mean I agree with you, and most importantly, keeping my mouth shut doesn't give you a continual right to verbally attacked me. Those days, were even worst than stepping into a haunted house in the amusement parks, you get lost, you screamed, you shout and you get scared. The main point is that there are people around you who can hear your cries of help, and you will eventually make it out of the eerie place with the help of other people, ALIVE. On the other hand, in reality, things weren't as easy or as simple as taking a walk in the haunted house. People around you might not even bother to stop and ask you what's wrong, no signs of encouragement, no words to make me feel safe, nothing. The darkest times of my life should, and have enough reason for me to hate the person who have done such a thing to me, but no... I chose to forgive that person because I know I'm only freeing myself from hatred and revenge if I'm able to let go and forgive that person. I chose this path, because I know, it will lead me to a better place, a better future.

I do forgive people easily, and still treat them with love and respect no matter how deep they have hurt me in the past. I don't believe in holding onto grudges. Why fill your life with all the negative thoughts, making it overflowing, and end up having the backfire effect on yourself? If I don't forgive, I think I will just hate and turn myself into a monster that none of my friends will stay with me. I forgive, because the relationship I have with that person is more important than my own pride, my own ego. I don't want to lose someone just because of a slight mistake that they have done, neither do I want to let go of someone who means so much to me. It's pointless and just not worth it to actually let your life filled with hatred. Only by forgiving others, I gain a better understanding of the person, that's worth it.

However, I can NEVER forgive myself on the hurt that I've put upon to another person, it's way too much of a mistake that I can let go. I'd rather hate myself for that mistake and remind myself that I will not do so again. The ONLY person that I find it hard to forgive is myself, because I know, if I were to forgive myself, I never learn from my mistakes. Even if I know I'm able to prevent myself from making the same mistake again, I still wouldn't forgive myself. It's never a task in my life, I was never capable of forgiving myself. I can't forgive myself no matter what because my actions are the cause of the hurt that other people feel, the reason why their dreams are crashed. Frankly speaking, I always thought that I can forgive myself for my wrongdoings, but after today's activity, I know I can't. It's way too difficult to convince myself that I can forgive myself. Maybe I choose not to forgive myself, so it doesn't give me the chance to hurt others again. I bury myself in all the mistakes that I've made, overtime, it gets overloaded, but that's the burden or consequence I have to bear. I'm highly critical towards myself, no matter how hard someone tries to persuade me to forgive myself, it's always gonna be impossible.

"Forgiving myself" is like a mission impossible to me, every time I try to forget about the incident, or try to have a small debate in my mind to forgive myself, I've failed, I've failed terribly... I can't do it, I've tried countless times and the results are all the same, and now I'm tired of trying to forgive myself..

Monday, 5 December 2011


Yo people! :D Today is a pretty unique day for me because it's the "no styling of hair" day for me! Yep, that's right, I didn't style my hair today for school, it feels weird in the beginning, because I don't go to school without doing my hair. Today was my first time since I made a promise to my friends that I will not style my hair today! I expected shock reactions from my classmates, but they reacted pretty well today, and most of them said that I look the same even if I don't style my hair. Some suggested that I keep it natural, and not style my hair anymore! I shall consider that, since it's really bad to style my hair often, but what's gonna happen to my gel? I can't just leave them in the lurch like this :( In any case, I think not styling my hair is better for me, I feel less stressed when my hair gets messed up..

School today has been really awesome. Some of my friends and I had KFC for lunch, I think we spend around $56 for the meal, I think it's all worth it because they are quite a number of people we wanted to eat. I ate a shrooms burger, 2 pieces of spicy chicken and some popcorn chicken. There goes my weight loss plan, I feel guilty for eating fast food, but I ate it anyway. I can always burn the fats and calories away, and for 2 weeks, I shall have no more fast food. It's a promise I'm making to myself now! I wanna stay healthy! :) Having fast food once in a while is alright for me as long as I know how to move my ass and exercise! Because of the guilt that is  bothering me, I called up my cousin to exercise with me, it's better and more fun to have a partner when you exercise, you will feel more motivated and less tired! We had a game of soccer, and I did around 520 times of skipping, hopefully this helps to chase some calories away. We gain weight faster than we lose it, so unfair! >.<

I stayed in school for my projects meetings, it turned out to be staying back for fun and entertainment instead of doing projects because I got a little distracted, my bad! SORRY! :( But I'm glad that my group mates help me out and get me a little more focused. So... I got bored and decided to look for my friend, Hamizah and started disturbing her, trying to seduce her (this is what I usually do to her), and I ended up being the "barbie doll" for her and Wanying, they stared tying my hair up, doing braids and clipping part of my hair here and there O_O It was a fun experience though. I got a shock, I SWEAR I got a freaking shock when I looked into the mirror, that's like another me, a TOTALLY different me. Those who witnessed my "new hairstyle" said I look pretty, but no, I disagree, STRONG DISAGREEING to it. That word is never suitable to be used on me. I feel funny with my hair being tied up and I refused to take pictures, so my friends decided to "spy snap" me and turn into "photo-taking ninjas"! They are so adorable, I don't know who had those photos, so it's a huge pity that I can't post them up here.

Since my project meetings ended pretty earlier, much earlier than what I expected, me and Wenting went for a walk around Somerset/Orchard area, which explains why today's blog title is retail therapy :) (Goodness gracious, I have HUGE difficulty in spelling the word "therapy", I got it wrong most of the times I tried to type it out!) We walked around Somerset, and today marks the first time I entered H&M, I feel more Singaporean now. That outlet was pretty alright, the shop is well-furnished and decorated, but I find the prices a little too high to be afforded by me, so we just walk around and left. I think it's a shopping spree for Wenting today, she brought a pullover, a white beanie and a checkered shirt, and I could sense the urge in her to buy clothes for New Year! ^^ Oh, both of us got a pair of friendship watch, she got a green one while I got the blue one, and she said purple looks gay one me T_T  Since we are around Orchard area, we decided to drop by at Artbox and pay Wanying a visit as she's working there. We pretended to be part of the shop's customers and "disturbed" her. She got a shock when she saw us there, like totally surprised! Her reaction was priceless, love it! :) Wenting bought me a Spongebob pencil case, it's a gift from her to me, woah, she is awesome and a good sister! And I have to comment that Wanying's servicing skills are really good, she's polite and patient towards the customers, which is a really good thing! Keep up the good work! :)

I shall start to revise my work now, have a good night ahead lovely people! :) Peace out! xoxo

This is my new pencil case! Spongebob! :) Thank you, Wenting! 

My new blue watch :) Looking good on me! 

Friday, 2 December 2011


Hello lovely people of mine! :) I was supposed to attend a family violence conference at MBS, but I can't make it last minute because something happened at home. I spent the entire at home, staring at the computer, revising my work and eating. I'm so gonna grow fat!

Anyway, I got my cousin to come over and accompany me and we started doodling random pictures on Paint! It was so much fun, we drew fishes, and a "portrait" on nature. I think both of us have deprived childhood! Despite that, it was entertaining to me, at least it kept me off my books for some time! I shall continue with my doodles after this!

AND! I suddenly fell in love with ANG KU KUEH! :) The red colour is so attractive and most importantly, it's very tasty! I've never really liked that last time, but somehow, something made be craved for it this evening, so I went to get one at 60 cents! :) The price was reasonable and I love the chewy feeling in my mouth, together with peanut fillings!  I will head to the foodcourt soon just to get that! So after dinner today, I went down and have a game of soccer with my cousin, and guess what? I was the goalkeeper, and both of us agreed that I should stretched out my leg and maintain in that position as I take on the role as goalkeeper. Just as I was trying to save the ball, I accidentally did a split, and I over stretched my leg muscle. I let out such a loud scream, and started rolling on the ground. IT'S SUPER DUPER PAINFUL! >.< Omg, I swear I will not do that again, a sudden split kills. I have difficulty walking now, poor me D:

I shall go off and play with my Paint now :) Have fun everyone! Peace out!  xoxo

My peanut filled ang ku kueh :) it's so nice that I'm craving for it again~ 

My cousin and my artistic piece of work. Paint is so entertaining! ;) 

Wednesday, 30 November 2011


HELLO to everyone who's reading my blog. I think my blog is pretty dead recently. Oh well, my apologies, I shall make it alive once again :) Just been superbly busy and kind of lay to update. I'm back!

I LOVE TODAY! I guess it's a really meaningful day for me today because of the group activities my friends organised. They did a really a good job :) For my activity, it was somehow within my expectation and somehow not within in. I missed out quite a number of times, and I think it's a little messy when I facilitated and conducted the activity. In any case, I will work harder for my final ICA activity and make sure I consider all the factors and all the possible outcome of my activity. I need to really come up with a fun & interesting activity for my exam, I need a HIGH ENERGY activity! *cracks my brain* AHHH! I did trust fall today, and the demonstration really brought back many memories...

Anyway, I really love the activities my friends had for today. One of them was about our hurts and pains in life, which was a really good platform for me to reflect on my life and see all the mistakes I've made as well as all the regrets I have. As I was writing and reflecting, I became all emotional and sensitive, I actually teared. I don't think anyone noticed it since I didn't have the intention to show it to anyone, it's gonna be a little shocking and weird if I'm just going to be the only one. Oh well, I still held back my tears. Those hurts, pains and secrets that are within me are taking their toll on me, although sometimes, I managed to forget about them just for a short period of time. No point avoiding, since my problems will always make their way back to me. All my coping methods are basically just to smile whenever I'm with my friends, relatives or family, and of course, to continue to be the crazy, hyper and funny me, which everyone has witnessed it! I do admit that most of the times, that is the real me, however, there are times which that personality is just a mask for me to cover up my real emotions. Everyone has this mask that they wear, I don't wish to take mine down for the time being because it's going to do more harm than good. My friends and family are just going to get more worried if I were to show my REAL and TRUE emotions, which is something I don't want it to happen. Suffering in silence alone is not a bad thing anyway ;) That activity really got me reflecting and I still kept that paper in my "heart" (plastic bag to be exact :P )

Another activity was meaningful for me too! Saying "I'm awesome" and mean it is not the style for me, given the fact that I NEVER see myself as that awesome, I'm way too far off to be called "awesome" or anything close to it. I don't wish to be awesome, I just want to be normal and people will accept me for who I am. These are the 2 statements I made during the activity:

"I'm awesome because I'm pretty optimistic when I encounter problems in my life."
"I'm awesome because I can care for my friends and family without asking for anything in return."

I'm not exactly sure if people will agree with the statements above. For the first statement, I think it's true to a certain extent, I mean, there are bound to be times when you are just a little down and pessimistic, it's all due to the pessimistic moments that made me optimistic. For the second statement, personally, I think that is 100% true. I can go all out for the people I love because they just mean so much to me. Without them, I'm nothing, without them, I will not have come so far and be who I am today. The 2nd part of the activity was a really touching moment for me too! I have my flaws, that's for sure, everyone has that. Being able to hear from my friends and lecturer about my good points made me feel appreciated, at least I know, I'm not entirely useless. And being able to have the opportunity to comment about the good of my friends, it's a good way to show that I really appreciate them, it's just that, I'm not sure if they can really feel it, maybe they don't. BUT I DO. 

I love having hugs from my friends, hugs speak a thousand words. I feel so warm and loved in their arms. Alright, ANYWAY, before we walked out of the school, I spent some time at the school's atrium to "shop" for food. Everyone was so hungry the food seem to appealing to us. I bought a cup corn and a chocolate cake, it has chocolate powder, chocolate ice cream and a thin layer of chocolate cake at the bottom. IT'S SUPER YUMMY! I shall get it again and share with my friends. IT WAS JUST LIKE A FOOD FEAST FOR US! I need to control my appetite now, I managed to lose 4-5kg in a month's time, so now, I need to maintain my diet and work out routine so that I don't gain back the weight I've lost. 

AND! I've gotten my Pastamania card today, and they gave me 2 vouchers. One $10 vouchers for pizza, and another $5 for the pasta :) Whee~ which means I can drop by anytime before February next year to enjoy my pasta and pizza! 

I shall go now, I need to complete my projects and do some revision before I head to bed. Knee is hurting badly, sad life for me :( Have a good night everyone! Sleep well! xoxo

I think my colorful socks is very attractive, but it doesn't go well with this pair of shoes! 
This is my pastamania card and the 2 vouchers! :) YAY! 
The plastic bag represents my heart and the white paper is filled with my pains and hurts in my life. I'm gonna keep this with me so that it remind me not to make the same mistakes again.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Fun! Fun! Fun!

Whee~ It feels nice to be able to share with all of you who are reading my blog about what's happening in my life :) These few days have been pretty awesome to me, though there's one particular day that almost "killed" me. In any case, I feel really great right now, despite having a long day today!

The only bad thing that happened during the past few days was that I fell sick, my mum suspected that I got food poisoning, which I believed was the case. I had a terrible time trying to sleep during midnight, so I woke up four times, for the first two times, I wasn't able to throw up though I feel super duper nauseous, and the third time, LIKE FINALLY, I managed to "clear my throat" and felt much better. The constant waking up and going back to sleep really reduce my sleeping time! I knew something was wrong with my body and I haven't been having the "throwing up" feeling since about 6-7 years ago. Still, I made my way to school, hoping that I will feel better after throwing up at home. And yet, I was wrong, my stomach was feeling weird and my body was responding to me in a funny way that I couldn't comprehend what went wrong. I slept during lectures (and yes, I feel really bad, I'm sorry dear lecturers), and I did feel better after sleeping, but the weird feeling still did not go away, and my appetite was the worst in my entire life. I rarely ate anything during that day.

After I went home, I felt super cold, although normal human beings will be perspiring like mad. I know my body well enough that I was gonna fall ill soon. True enough, I did. I was shivering without fans on, no ventilation at all, and yes, I GOT A FEVER! The highest temperature recorded was 38.6 degree Celsius. I was pretty reluctant to go to the doctor at first since I know I will recover within a day time, and I didn't want to spend money on medication. I was afraid that my brain will be damaged at the rate that my temperature was increasing, so I asked my mum if there's any fever medicine at home, and she said no, and told me to see the doctor. Okay, so for the rest of the story, I think it's more about the same, it's kind of a "cliche".

ANYWAY! I had so much fun today at Lynette's house! My group went to her house for our family therapy video shooting, and I have to admit, my team is a super creative team, which is constantly coming up with new ideas for the video, and laughing heartily over NGs :D We had pizza for lunch, and really a big thank you for the free pizzas that Lynette and her mum offered us. I think I ate so much that I can barely walk and continue with the video shooting. I was actually supposed to be just the CAMERAMAN, and I have no idea how I was being "dragged" into the video. Oh well, I guess it is alright, now everybody get to see the PRETTY face of mine. JUST KIDDING!  :D

Whee~ that's all for now. Have a good night everyone! Peace out! xoxo

Friday, 18 November 2011

Titanic, the love of my life!

I had a really fun and great time today, all thanks to my sister and my "just get to know him" brother, En Di! :) He's such a good and funny boy, really nice to hang out with them today! It has being such a long time since I have so much fun, recent problems are pushing me to the edge, today's a good time for me to relax and just forget about my problems, TEMPORARY.

We headed to Art Science Museum today and visited the Titanic exhibition, it was really great and awesome. I'm a huge fan of Titanic, I have no idea why, I just love the ship and how magnificent it was! :) I learned more about Titanic now and I can't wait for the 3D movie to be release next year during April/May! I'm so gonna watch it! I have watch the movie for many times, and each time I watched it, I cried like mad. It's a huge pity that I can't take any pictures while walking around the exhibition area, or my camera would have been spammed terribly!

After the tour around the exhibition, we headed to Book Fest to look for "our" mum, the area was packed, but it wasn't as bad as I've expected. The books were selling pretty cheap there, but I was too lazy and tired to look around and search for books that I 'm interested in. This is my very FIRST time entering a book exhibition, and I love the ambiance there, it's like "woah, there are so many book readers." I love that feeling!

We toured about Marina area today, and now my legs are aching like mad. I love today, there's finally a day where I can really relax and enjoy myself. Now I'm back home, I need to clear my mind and focus on my projects now. A big thank you to my smurf sister and my En Di for accompanying me today! :)

Thursday, 17 November 2011


These few days, I would say, had been pretty tiring for me. Both physically and emotionally drained, which I should say, it's more towards the emotions aspect. I have no idea what I'm thinking about, what's going through my mind and what I should do. It's like a whole struggle for me once more, knowing that things are not the same as I expected they will be. People said I'm strong, but right now, I'm here to rebut that I'm not, I was.. But after so many roller coaster rides in my life, I know I can't handle anymore emotional torture, and even if I can handle them, I will collapse and succumb to defeat. It's a tough war between my mentality and my emotions.

One mistake and then entire good journey between two people was ruined. It's a stain that will always be etched in the heart of mine, no matter how hard I try to remove it, no matter what I do to clean it away, it's always gonna be there, it's always gonna haunt me for what I did, and it will never let me lead my life in peace, because my conscience is constantly bugging me. I do admit that was the worst mistake in my life that I've ever made, if time could rewind (I know it's clearly impossible, even money can't buy a time machine), I wouldn't have such those things out of my impulses. If time were to rewind a little, I guess many of us will not commit the mistakes that made us regret for life. I do blame myself for all that has happened, it takes two hands to clap, similarly, it takes two parties to result in a conflict. I sensed the conflict, I know the presence of the cold war, but I still chose to flight. I don't have the confidence in myself that I can solve this, with both of us agreeing and coming to terms that we will erase off the unhappy moments between us. It's just as impossible for anyone to do that, it's tough to forget a moment like this when someone has did wrong to you.

Right now, all I need is patience, to be able to wait for that day when either my phone indicates a text saying "It's time for us to talk and sort things out" or a face to face notice telling me that it's time for all these to stop and regain back the good old times we've shared. But.. When will this day ever be? I hope for time to pass faster each day, I hope for that day to approach sooner everyday.. Every morning when I wake up, I still hope and pray for the same thing- that things are going to improve between us. With each day, each morning, each night, I just get disappointed, not because of anyone, but just myself. I'm disappointed at myself for not having that tiny little bit of courage and confident to tell you,"When you are ready, just tell me, because I'm always here waiting to make things better between us." I hated the fact that I may be brave in other issues, but when it comes to relational issues, I'd choose to stay in the protective shell of mine. I'm not afraid of getting hurt, I'm just afraid that my words will hurt another party once more.

I'm not good with words, I'm not good with getting my feelings across to people. I tend to hurt people with my words, unknowingly, before I know it, it's already too late to take back my words or to even apologize to the person whom I've hurt so badly. This is still a part of me that I need to change, and I want to change. If all people can see the crazy, funny and hyper side of me, I'm sorry, I wasn't being true to these people. There's always one side of me that rarely anyone will encounter or see, there's this quite and "I'm in deep thoughts" side that I don't show to people frequently, unless it has reach a point when I can no longer take it. And at this very moment, I know the time is almost coming, and I'm doing all I can to suppress this side of mine. It's not that I can't be vulnerable to people, I can, I cry in front of my friends.. I don't show this side because I don't know if people can accept this side of me, I'm unsure if I can handle all those questions being asked when I have such an opposite switch in my personality, from the highest point to almost the lowest point, I don't know how to tell people about the reason which caused my change and most importantly, I don't want people to sympathize with me. I do appreciate the support and help from all my friends, it's just that, I can't stand to see people worrying for me, it's not worth it. They have a life of their own, I shouldn't increase their stress level or burden in any way. I just want those around me to be happy.

I guess it's not true that people will always be happy around me, some people may dislike me, but still pretend that they are fine with me, and still hang out with me. For those people who really dislike or detest me, I just hope you guys can tell me, though it's gonna hurt, but a hurtful truth is better than a beautiful lie.  I'm training for my patience level to increase, and I certainly hope that I can the strength and determination to carry on in this "training" of mine. I'm just gonna be pretty emotional these few days, and my mood does fluctuates up and down recently, so for those who are around me, it's difficult for them to, since they have to adjust to my mood swings. In any case, I don't intend to show much negative emotions when I'm around my friends. I just want to thank them for giving me the greatest support when I needed it, however, ultimately, it still depends on me to see if I'm strong enough to overcome this. Despite there's this grey cloud which is blocking my clear sky now, I do believe in one thing, "If we are able to overcome this obstacle together, I know that our friendship will be stronger than before, probably the strongest I can ever encounter." That's what I believe in..

Okay, this is such a long post, I don't think anyone will actually finish reading it. Have a good night everyone!  xoxo

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Hard Earned Money.

I've been spending Friday and today outside, distributing flyers from blocks to blocks, carparks to carparks. It's really tiring and tedious, and right now, my legs are feeling numb and I really love the presence of my chair.

Friday was a little tiring than today since I have to pack all the flyers into my backpack, which actually makes my back ached like mad. The main issue was that I don't know that area well and have to spend some time to locate the right place! >.< Today was just a LITTLE less tiring due to the usage of trolley. I seriously dislike the stares I received when I was pushing the trolley under the blocks. It's not like I'm going to steal the trolley, I'm just borrowing it :) Oh well, can't really blame them, it's all about perspective. I'm having migraine and slight flu now because I walked under the rain, I hope I recover soon because I still wanna enjoy my weekend :)

Money is really hard to earn, so I make sure I spend it wisely and correctly so that I won't waste on unnecessary stuff. I'm still contemplating if I should continue to work tomorrow, reasons being, firstly, my mum is returning home from overseas, and according to her, I'm NOT supposed to go out >_> and secondly, my legs are really aching and I have no idea how much more I can walk tomorrow. Pushing of trolley needs strength too, so I need to ensure I regain my strength back, and lastly, I have to finish up my projects so that I don't slow down my entire group's efficiency. Hmmm, looks like I should think it over tonight.

I'm enjoying my Korean rice cake and sushi now ^^ Nice dinner for me today and I'm really happy despite the long and tiring day I've had earlier! I shall continue with my projects too! Take care people, the weather is pretty weird lately, drink more water and rest well! :) Peace out! xoxo

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Happy Endings, New Beginnings.

So that was the theme for today's farewell party specially dedicated to a lecturer who's more than just a educator to me, he's a role model, a good friend, and of course, a father-like figure to me :) I really appreciate all the he as taught me, he's selfless, caring, motivating and inspiring. I've not met anyone like him in my life before, and I admire him for having such a positive attitude in life. I did learned a lot from him, lessons that are not from the lecture notes, lessons that cannot be learned through books, only through experiences that you can acquire the knowledge, he's a wise man.

I'm an emotional person, and I know given such conditions, I will cry if I ever witness someone crying. I told myself that I will leave the classroom without any tears flowing down my cheeks today, and as expected, I've failed. When this wonderful lecturer of mine was given this "final lecture" to me, I teared and cried, all the memories we've had together, all the lectures that we went through no matter how tired we were, all the laughter and jokes that he shared which kept the class awake flooded my thoughts, and I know, I really miss his lectures. He's genuine to us, he's never fake. He showed us the real him, a side of him that's vulnerable, and till now, I will still say I love him for who he is.

He has been a great pillar of support in my life, without him, I would have probably feeling more stressed and depressed that I should. I can't thank him enough for all that he has done. Words can't express how much gratitude I have for him, all I can do is to cherish & treasure this friendship we share, and remember all the he as taught me. THANK YOU! I wish you all the best in your next phase of life and may you succeed in all that you are doing! Don't give up no matter how tough the journey is, there's always light at the end of the tunnel. Believe in yourself. Lastly, thank you for bringing so much fun, joy and laughter during lectures. It's always like a magical moment when you are giving lecture because the lessons seem to be so interesting and lively despite the fact that we all know it very well that it's only be just another dry topic. You're a great man, thank you once again!

Friday, 4 November 2011


Oh no, I realized I haven't been posting much lately. Reasons being:
1. I'm too lazy to post (as usual, laziness kills me).
2. I have no idea what to post since my days are pretty much similar.
3. I'm busy with projects and revision ( more like excuses than reasons :P )

In any case, I'm back to my blog now and I miss it. Isn't it agreeable that my background is so seductive and sexy? That's because it's Rainie Yang :D My craze for her is not dying, and it will never die. I remembered my friend once told me that, you will regret why you spent so much money on her when you are older. Immediately, I rebutted her and said NO! :P I'm pretty sure I won't regret since I did it willingly and it feels pretty awesome having such a good role model like her, though I can't really sing her songs, everything's cool! I'm waiting impatiently for her next drama to air (it's not even filming yet), I hope she will be able to work together with Show Luo again, they make such a cute couple.

Alright, serious things now, I'm in a pretty down mood recently, and I have no idea why >.< My smile feels heavy and everything people do irritates me and pissed me off easily, I need to find the source for my down mood and deal with it. Running away will not solve the problem anymore. Maybe I have been avoiding my own feelings and  unwilling to bring my problems to reality. I seriously wonder how I am going to help people if I can't even handle my issues. No, I need to change this habit of mine and face the music no matter what consequences it's gonna bring, perhaps, I will feel better if I just face it rather than escaping from reality. Before I even deal with it, I need to have the courage to do so, which is something that has been hindering. I may look like I'm brave on the outside, but the inner me isn't what exactly people see me as.

Oh well, hopefully things are gonna get better soon and my mood will not be so down anymore 'cause I have to  start with my revision and projects. I don't want my mood to affect my desire to study.. There's no school for 4 consecutive days (Friday to Monday), I'm going to miss my classmates. And I kinda dread going to school on Tuesday 'cause that's the day for the farewell party organized for the fun, loving, caring, wise, crazy and knowledgeable lecturer of the class. I miss his lectures and his jokes, of course, his life lessons. He's always so willing to share them with us, there's no threads of selfishness in him, and that's  a rare sight in society nowadays. Goodbyes are always so tough..

Hmm, I think I should get going and start with my revision and projects now. Have a good day ahead lovely people :) Peace out! xoxo

Ps, isn't she adorable? :D

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


Oh hello my lovely people! :) I'm back to blogging once again! I've been trying to get back on track ever since school stared, trying to get use to the "I need to wake up early" timing, trying to obtain my study mood back since I was away from school for such a long time. Without any doubt, school has been really awesome lately, and I'm enjoying. Even lectures seem to be more interesting and engaging now with all those laughter from my friends, and silly remarks we love to make during lessons!

In any case, school today was exceptionally amazing and awesome! I had a good time laughing in lectures and tutorials, which actually continued for at least 15 to 20 minutes, which I think, it's a pretty good accomplishment! We joked about random things that pop into our mind, and how my innocent friend made a comment on something which seems so "wrong" to use, which triggered our laughing genes! I'm amazed how much I can laugh within that few minutes. As I typed, I can still recall all the laughing moments I've had in school today, and of course, I'm smiling to myself like an idiot in front of the computer screen now. AMAZING!

Alright, during our life span development, we were showed a video on how child abuse, be it emotionally, physically or sexually can result in the child having the mentality of "I want to kill people". Yes, it's amazing how a 9 year old girl can make such remarks about killing her own family members, torturing her little brother and abusing the animals. We can't blame her because it was an act of an irresponsible adult who made her forget that she has a heart. She forgot that she can still love and show care & concern for the people, animals and objects around her. That adult ruined her childhood, and she was not able to really comprehend the real meaning of LOVE. Why should kids be treated this way? I don't get it, and for that little girl, I'm glad she was able to receive help and she's improving gradually, and I'm really glad. I hope she will be able to stay strong in life, and love all those who are around her. STOP ABUSING!

My throat is hurting now due to all the screaming and shouting I did in class when we were registering for our GSM. I've never witnessed how crazy my friends can be when it comes to education. I guess the main reason why we have to "fight like a lunatic" is because we don't want to get a GSM that's going to "ruin our life". Technically speaking, we just want to go to a lecture that is slack and "able to leave early". At 6pm SHARP, majority of my friends (mainly those who stayed in class after lessons) starting spamming buttons on their mouse, laptops and all sorts of buttons they can find. We screamed and shouted like mad when the page just wouldn't load. Everyone was so eager to get into their desired GSM, and I was no exception. Hence, I joined in the fun with them, and starting screaming like I've never did before in my entire life! It was fun though I have to suffer a hurting throat now. I'm happy for those who were able to get into their desired GSM. It was just like a war for us, we have to fight for what we want, and all those screaming and shouting are a form of encouragement and to boost our morale! :D  GOOD JOB EVERYONE!

PS. I strongly recommend everyone to read "Tuesdays With Morrie", it's a really meaningful and touching book, truly inspiring! :) I got to go and revise now! Peace out! xoxo

Thursday, 20 October 2011


I have no idea why I came up with that title, probably because I saw how my favorite idol has changed over the years, really happy for her :) Her singing and acting career are improving, her voice is getting nicer and nicer with each album and, her hair is getting shorter (still, she's PRETTY, BEAUTIFUL, GORGEOUS, STUNNING, HOT!). No matter how much she has changed, as a crazy fans of hers, I will NEVER stop supporting her and loving her! RAINIE YANG FTW! \m/

She looks super hoot and cool in this picture. I wonder what she is going to wear tomorrow for the Golden Bell Awards, she must be stunning :D Can't wait to watch the award show, though I'm still pissed and mad that she didn't get nominated (which I still think that the judges are bias), I'm glad she has the spirit of supporting the lead actor of the drama! KUDOS! ^^ People change, it's not how much she has changed, but it's a matter of whether we can still accept the person after he/she has changed. If  no, then you're just being superficial to that person before she has changed..

I can't stop staring at this photo now 'cause it's so nice & pretty! Ugh, such a stunning picture! I'm gonna continue to stare and to revise for my work now. Peace out! xoxo.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Back To School!

YO PEEPS! I'm back! :D Sorry for "vanishing" for so many days, I'm too lazy to update about my life, and I'm too busy going for my yoga lessons :P Totally in love with yoga now!

So! Today marks the first day of school! Yes, I'm super excited 'cause I get to see all of my classmates and awesome lecturers, as well as the fact that I managed to receive my Rainie Yang's and Simple Plan's albums from my little sister! :D She's amazing, thank you for the SUPER early birthday presents! I can't help but to stare at the albums, mainly on Rainie's album because I'm totally obsessed with her, NO.1 FAN! (not really, since I only started liking her since 2010, after watching Hi My Sweetheart. It's a super hilarious show, you guys should really watch it!) I just took the opportunity to promote her drama! ^^ I have to make sure that the poster is not damaged and I was on the "ninja mode" for the entire day till I reached home, and carefully placed the album and poster into my "Rainie Only" cupboard! :D I love her!

And, I have to say that having SUNBURN is NOT COOL -.- I have sunburn on my nose, which is not really that serious, and on my shoulders! The pain is the worst on my shoulders! I have to scream and shout like nobody can hear me while my mum was applying the gel for me >.< Oh gosh, I cannot never imagine myself screaming like that O_O I have no idea that sunburn can hurts so much, and my mum said that my skin is going to have an infection soon (woah, she's physic!) Hopefully not, because this means that I can't sleep properly due to the pain, oh well, I shall just take good care of it and make sure it gets better in no time. AND NO MUM, I WILL NOT STOP SWIMMING FOR 2 WEEKS JUST BECAUSE I HAVE SUNBURN! >:( Yeah, I've found my passion- SWIMMING under the HOT SUN :D Whee~

I'm going to stare at my Rainie's stuff now xD Byebye people~ peace out! xoxo

PS. Did you guys notice that this blog post's title is a total match for my blog's background? :P

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Tremendous Pain!

Whee~ I'm back once again :) there isn't any much going on recently, hence I didn't really update my blog. My apologies.

Anyway, I'm recently getting very addicted to Frisbee :) It's super fun and it's a good sport that trains your stamina well. I've been spending part of my time in the late evening to play with my cousin, it's nice to perspire, makes you feel more relaxed and chilled! And, the weather is pretty cold lately, I'm shivering despite having a blanket over me, hopefully the weather will starts to get better after some time.

I went for a facial treatment today, and my face is now super swollen 'cause the lady squeezed the dirty parts on my face to tightly that I teared due to the extreme pain. I spent $63 on the treatment and another $88 on the facial gel that she recommended me. I didn't know how to reject her so I bought it. My parents are getting richer recently and I have no idea why, they've been spending money like running water. Ugh, it's time for me to stop them from spending so much! >.<

OH! AND I'M BACK WITH THE RAINIE YANG CRAZE AGAIN! :D I love her songs from her latest album, all the songs are nice :) everyone who understands Chinese, or want to listen to new songs should listen to her album ^^ REALLY AWESOME! \m/ Thank you to my little sister who bought me to super large album of Rainie with posted included as well as Simple Plan's latest album! You rock! Whee~

School's starting soon and I'm ready for it! Really excited to go back to school and can't wait to see all my friends again! Peace out! xoxo

Sunday, 9 October 2011


Hey guys, sorry that I've been MIA for about 5 days, my apologies! I have been pretty busy, oh yes, mapling and stoning in front of the computer and having the "I don't really feel like blogging..YET!" days. Anyway, these 2 days (starting from 8 Oct to 9 Oct- which is today) have been pretty fun and adventurous, in a way or so. Let me share with you guys :) Sharing is caring, I'm sharing, hence I'm caring :D AWESOME! \m/

What happened yesterday was about my sister. She was out with my dad, since my dad was "trying to be nice" and wanted to bring her out. Everything went well.. Until that very moment when my mum shouted (I was outside the house, blasting music on my laptop. If you wonder why I'm outside, sorry to disappoint you that I'm not being punished, but my mum is mopping the floor, so being a good daughter, I shall not stand in her way and just spent time outside my house, I swear this is a long explanation!) "HURRY UP AND GO DOWNSTAIRS TO LOOK FOR YOUR SISTER! SHE WENT UP THE BUS WITHOUT ANY ADULT!" I had to "throw" my laptop and my PSP into the house to make sure that nobody steals it and sprinted like so lunatic down my house all the way to the bus stop (oh, the distance isn't that long actually, just trying to make me sound like I've ran a long distance!). I saw my dad, obviously, my sister went up the bus without realizing that my dad wasn't behind her T_T I took the taxi with my dad and my cousin just to track down there the bus went, and guess what? It was only one freaking bus stop away from my house bus stop. WASTED MONEY JUST TO TAKE THE CAB! >.< My sister was smart enough to borrow a phone from a lady and call my mum, and when we found her, she was sobbing terribly :( Poor girl. And oh, this is really embarrassing! The bus uncle asked me, "Is she your daughter?" I was like,"YES! YES!" I didn't realized I replied yes till that lady looked at me with shocked and astonishment, so I quickly said, "No, she's my sister", and looked away. I'm freaking embarrassed!

Alright, I know that was a super long paragraph! :P Today was like "I'm going to exercise like I've never did before" day. I swam 12 laps in the pool, though I wanted to swim more, but I got to stop since I'm having yoga lesson in the afternoon. I felt really awesome having a dip in the pool under the scorching sun! After that, I headed over to my instructor's house (which is only like 6 floors below me, I live on the 12th floor, she lives on the 6th floor.) The first yoga lesson was really awesome! All the moves that she taught me and my sister were really challenging and tough. I swear I will master those moves :) Yoga is a really profound exercise to master, nevertheless, I really enjoyed it and I will keep going for the lesson! And now my muscles are acing like mad! O_O

Dinner today was pretty awesome as well, most of the dishes were spicy except for the porridge. I was perspiring like mad as I was eating and had to keep gulping down water to cool my mouth! I think I exceeded my daily calories today, so I chose to walk home instead of taking a bus since the place is pretty near my house :) it's good to maintain a healthy diet! On my way home, I spotted two policemen who were seemingly chasing after someone (since they were running like mad), and I decided to be a busybody (that's what a typical Singaporean will do though I'm not fully one yet) and check out what's going on. To my disappointment, I didn't managed to see what's going on :( I saw them after a few minutes and they looked disappointed, maybe the culprit managed to escape that's why.. Oh well, it's fun chasing after cops who were chasing after someone. GRAND THEFT AUTO SINGAPORE VERSION! :P

I shall take a break now and play my maple since I have not been playing for the entire day! Peace out! xoxo

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Chicken In A Jacket!

Hello peeps :) I finally have the time to blog now 'cause my cousin is managing my Maple Story account for me, which gives me some time to post about what happened today!

Anyway, today's weather is really nice and comfortable for an afternoon nap so I took a short nap (somehow :P ) for about 45 mins to an hour, can't really remember the time since I don't keep track of it. I was awakened by my cousin's text asking me to go to his house to help him with his Home Economics exam tomorrow -.- He's being tested on preparing a dish called "Chicken in a jacket" (this explains my title!). I thought it was some funny dish, but the ingredients are pretty simple. Cucumbers, potatoes, apples, tomatoes and yogurt! I swear guys are really not meant to be in the kitchen, I'm referring to majority of them because some guys are really good in cooking!

My cousin was actually having a hard time dicing and slicing the tomatoes and cucumbers, I was laughing at him so badly! I should have recorded the entire procedure of him preparing the ingredients, too bad I didn't :( Well, we didn't really followed the recipe 'cause the potato was kind of ruined by my cousin as he didn't know how to cut it properly, OH WELL GUYS O_O We used melted cheese instead, AND MICROWAVE IS REALLY A BAD APPLIANCE TO USE WHEN YOU WANNA MELT YOUR CHEESE! I shall not blame the microwave, maybe it's just because I didn't have much experience in cooking :L Overall, the entire process was fun and the final result of the food tasted pretty good!

To improve my culinary skills, I've made a pact with my cousin that both of us will cook a different dish every Tuesday so that we can fend for ourselves if we ever move out :P Sounds like a good idea yea? ^^ Whee~ I'm off to mapling now! Peace out!  xoxo


Saturday, 1 October 2011


First of all, my apologies for not posting for a couple of days, I was too lazy to post and nothing much has happened so I didn't blog. There's another reason why I didn't blog recently, shall share with you guys later! :)
Anyway, HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY to EVERYONE who's reading this post, though to some people, children = ages 12 and below. I don't really care, I'm 17, and yes, I am still a children, what do you think about this? :D Everyone can be a children as long as they feel that they're young at heart, why not? I think days like "Happy All-Ages Day" should be included in the calendar so that people from all walks of life can celebrate this day together, instead of just children celebrating Children's Day and they receive gifts whereas youths and elderly receive none! Okay, as usual, I'm crapping. If I'm the president of whichever country, I will make this day come true, it's gonna be a public holiday, everyone deserves a break! Whee~ It's gonna be good to have me as the ruler of the country!

Alright, that part is totally nonsense. Anyway, I went out with my cousin today because he had to settle some admin issues and I have to accompany him. But it was a pretty fruitful trip since I bought 2 Angry Bird passport cover, one for me and one for my sister, yes I am this good to her! Be jealous :P JUST KIDDING! It's 2 for $5 so I just grabbed two of them. I get the blue one while my sister gets the red one :) oh, mentioning about BLUE, I am this attraction towards blue lately. I kept buying blue stuff and I changed my phone case to a electric blue. I have no idea why, maybe BLUE IS AWESOME, LIKE ME! :D Just kidding. Blue is a beautiful colour!

Hmm, actually, the MAIN reason why I haven't been posting is due to the fact that I am overly addicted to Maple Story. No it's not lame, no it's not boring, AND YES, IT'S ADDICTIVE! I've been playing it non stop from day to night, but rest assure I go bathe myself and eat my meals, so no worries about that. Much of my time during holidays are spent on playing Maple Story since I am grounded by my mum, oh well, at least there is some form of entertainment!

I'm going to delete some friends from Facebook now :) I shall keep those who I usually talk to and my friends :) Whee~ peace out! xoxo

Wednesday, 28 September 2011


Whee~ I'm back home from the SWANS BBQ gathering! As usual, I'm the earliest to reach home just because I've got a super controlling mum who always "offers" me a curfew whenever I go out. Sigh, I'm already 17, and yet, I don't have much say when it comes to going out with my friends, what a sad life! Oh well, I can't push the blame entirely to my mum 'cause it's her duty to protect her own daughter and make sure she is safe and sound. It's okay, at least I had fun when I was there, seeing my classmates, seniors and lecturers once again :) feeling really awesome!

I met my friends at the interchange and after much debating (I almost won the debate, but I have no idea how I lost in the end), we decided to walk there instead of taking a bus, despite my leg being "attacked" my blisters 'cause obviously someone "begged" me to wear my new pair of shoes (You know who you are :P ) Walking is fine to me if I didn't have blisters on my leg, but in any case, the walk there was enjoyable since I get to have a good talk with my friends and go all crazy over random issues ^^ Since I talked too much, I got thirsty and we went to e-hub to get drinks while my little sister went to get me plasters so that I can place them on my leg, which wasn't of any help, but thanks sis :) I bought milk tea from ChaTime, and I think it's a pretty new outlet 'cause I haven't really heard of it here in Singapore, but in Malaysia (I'm referring to KL in this sense), I see a few outlets in a shopping mall. Thanks to my cousin that I got to taste such delicious milk tea! I ordered milk tea with ONLY 30% sugar and most of my friends said it tasted bitter, but it tasted alright with me. 100% SUGAR WILL BE WAY TOO SWEET FOR ME! >.<

I fulfilled one of my wishes today and that is to cycle! :D I got so excited when I get to cycle because I haven't been doing so in ages! A few of my friends were pretty new to cycling so we decided to rent a few bikes and teach them how to ride. Sadly, they didn't wanna learn and gave up, so they took a walk around the park while me and the others went on an "illegal racing" around the park, like some lunatics who haven't ride on a bicycle before. It's fun! I LOVE CYCLING! I would love to get a bike for my birthday next year, which kind soul can make this wish of mine come true? :) I'll treat you nice forever! Cycling is a good form of exercise and I really hope I have more time to cycle! The friends who went cycling with me stopped by a playground and we started playing on the swing like some 5 years old kid, screaming and shouting as the swing gets higher and higher. And this, caught the attention of those people walking by. Who cares? they don't know our names :P The next class gathering location- THE PLAYGROUND! We need to retrieve our lose childhood!

Okay, it's finally BBQ-ing time! This is the slackest BBQ gathering that I've been to 'cause all I did was to help with the eating. Usually when I attend BBQ session, I will help with the preparation of food and making sure that the food is thoroughly cooked instead of just sitting there :) thank you to all those who have done a good job in cooking the food. Nice job! I wanted to try the stingray but I had to head home before I could even try it :( I'm so sorry my dear stingrays! I love the otah and hot dogs, and the TORTILLA CHIPS! All the food tastes so heavenly especially when you are hungry! I don't know why, but hanging out with the class and the seniors are always memorable to me! Love you guys! <3

The sad part comes when I had to leave 'cause I didn't get to spend much time with those who are present, especially my lecturer, Jim :( He came pretty late, and when he reached, I had to go home.. Sigh. I was like the center of attention when I said bye to my friends 'cause the others looked at me and were so surprised to see my leave so early. Sorry guys, it wasn't within my control that I have to leave early, I've got a curfew :( The moment when they said bye to me, my heart sank a little, though I can't explain why, but I know when my lecturer, Jim said bye to me, I could almost feel like it's the last time he's going to say that :( Maybe I think too much, or it's just some wild thoughts because I'm too tired. In any case, I enjoyed myself today and a big thank you to everyone who has made this day possible, a day filled with fun and entertainment!

Tuesday, 27 September 2011


A BIG HELLO TO ALL MY LOYAL READERS! :D I'm back in Singapore, safe and sound, not even a strand of my hair is in danger. Really glad to be able to go back to my hometown and spend a good few days with my relatives, miss them so much! I shall just share about my trip back to my hometown with you guys, hopefully I won't bore you with my usage of words etc, 'cause I'm really tired and sleepy!

Alright, the bus ride home was really troublesome and tiring because we had to change to another bus at the Tuas Checkpoint. You have no idea how heavy the stuff were and I was really struggling to carry the things up and down the bus >_> thank goodness I trained my arm muscles frequently so it wasn't that bad as it sounds like it will be. The entire journey took about 5 hours or so and I have to admit that I spent at least 3/4 of my time sleeping, of course, my music is there to accompany me. I have no idea why I was that tired, I just kept sleeping till that very particular moment when I needed to use the toilet super badly. My mind just kept repeating, "Where is the damn toilet?!" My bladder-controlling skills aren't that to be honest, except the times when the road went super bumpy, so on that note, I needed a slightly higher level of controlling skills. If I don't control it well, there it goes, WHEE~ (get what I mean?) :P Holding your bladder is something most of us are trained to do, especially in school when the teacher simply refuses to let us go to the toilet or at a mall where the toilet at a particular level is super crowded as if it's having COURTS MEGA SALE -.- Oh, the best part of everything happens when you are finally given the chance to visit the toilet and release all that you want to! I shall not further elaborate more on that since most of us know how it feels! ;) <-- I like this wink smiley, it's super seducing. 'KAY, BACK TO THE TOPIC!

I reached my aunt's house around 430pm, which was actually my mum's former house, but if I were to explain why, be prepared to stay up late just to read it. JUST KIDDING! In any case, I love staying at my aunt's house (just fyi, I have about 10 aunts over at my hometown!) because of these three adorable kids that I love, especially the youngest one. HE IS JUST SO ADORABLE! Anyway, dinner at my aunt's house was fantastic! She cooked so many dishes that obviously my mum doesn't know how to cook them, or not I wouldn't be drooling like I've never did before (don't try to imagine how I drool, it's just a description :P ). She is a fantastic cook! She cooked nasi lemak, some vegetarian dishes, fish (the parrot fish is extremely beautiful!), red bean soup, long beans and many more. I ATE LIKE A PIG, no wait, I ATE LIKE SOMEONE WHO HASN'T BEEN EATING FOR 1321512 YEARS O_O It's just delicious, yummy, tasty and mouth watering! Oh, and the atmosphere back that was really nice 'cause I get to see all my aunts and cousins whom I miss dearly since it's just a day before my cousin's wedding so everyone gathered and have a home cooked dinner together! AWESOME MUCH! \m/ Though it's a little too noisy when all my aunts gather together, I still love the moment with them :)

AND FINALLY, IT'S THE WEDDING DAY! :D I'm so happy for my cousin that she's finally married and she managed to find herself a good husband though I don't really talk to him or know him well. They make a good couple and I hope that this marriage of them will be blissful and filled with love! I love the part where the bridegroom is actually being "bullied' by a group of sisters from the bride's side. And for my cousin's wedding, her husband has to answer a few questions about their relationship like where was their first date location etc, and if he answers wrongly, he will have to drink a cup of "something that looks super disgusting and whoever looks at it will vomit like nobody's business" drink :O I can't even look at those cup of drink for more than 3 seconds or I will vomit like hell. After he managed to pass this round, he has to sing a song for my cousin and actually make a pledge, that moment was so romantic. I'M JEALOUS >.<  Actually, this isn't the best part, the best part is when the kids (including me because I am this young!) get to receive red packets from the couple :D MONEY! I'd prefer to serve tea to them instead of taking their money since they've already spent so much on their wedding :( sigh, this is the Chinese tradition, I guess..

So that was what happened in the morning on the exact wedding day, the evening/night part was as fantastic as the earlier part besides having to wait for about 2 hours before the dinner starts. Since we are like part of the hosting family, we are supposed to go the the venue earlier to serve the guests and my role on that day was to help my cousin to take photos and help out at the reception area :) which was totally awesome! I took like tons of crazy photos with my cousins and laughed with them like mad! I never thought a wedding dinner could be so fun, thanks to my cousins :) I WAITED FOR LIKE 2 HOURS BEFORE I CAN EAT, YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HUNGRY I WAS! >.< The food was nice, but I didn't eat much 'cause I was too bloated from excessive tea in my stomach. Something caught my attention at the dinner, RED WINE! I have been yearning to drink red wine since a few years ago and I didn't get the chance to! I drank like almost a cup of red wine and my face became red almost immediately, I had to go out and take a breather and wash my face in the toilet thousand/million times so that I wouldn't get caught by my mum for drinking. In the end, she still did -.- My face turns red super easily even after a few sips of beer/wine, but I don't get drunk. I was never drunk before~

That was what happened during the wedding day, more or less, I'm too lazy to go into details, but if you ask, I might just answer your requests :) IT'S SHOPPING TIME! My aunt gave me RM1500 to shop for a day, and my mum took away RM500 because she is shopping separately with me, which is a good thing because  I can shop till I drop without having my mum and sister to annoy me! I went shopping with my three cousins and I treated them to dinner since I have quite a huge sum of money. I bought many things, a pair of Supra shoes, a pair of Vans, shorts/pants, and tee-shirts! Whee~ a good shopping spree for me! :) Only about RM50 was left after I finish buying all my stuff. There's still many things I didn't buy, like my Simple Plan & We The Kinds album, cardigan and school bad. But it's fine, shouldn't spent so much. SPENDING RM1000 A DAY IS BAD ENOUGH T_T

So all these kind of sums up what happened during my trip back home :) I really enjoyed it! A big thank you to all my aunts and cousins who took good care of me! I love you guys <3 peace out! xoxo

Friday, 23 September 2011


Whee~ Finally found the time to actually post on my blog again :) Haven't really have much things happening recently, just small issues that makes me really happy!

Yesterday, I went grocery shopping with my cousin, and because both of us have the "deprived childhood syndrome", we decided to sit on trolley while shopping. Just when I was about to sit on it, an uncle came along, and he was like, "The trolley is for you to place your items, not for you to sit on it." I got all embarrassed and ran away with my cousin, giggling like some lunatics. Who cares about being scolded at that point of time? I'm having fun!

Oh, so I had a good talk with one of my friends last night and she enlightened me with all her words, encouragement and advice. I really appreciate her help and I do feel better after pouring my heart out :) Maybe she's right that I'm being too harsh on myself, trying to be "perfect" for my friends. The fallacy of perfection, sigh, she has a point there though, I wouldn't deny it. I would consider her words carefully, and think about it, maybe I will be able to release all the hurt that I've been keeping within me. A big thank you to her :) I'm really grateful for that! I owe you socks when I return from KL! (Hopefully you are reading this!)

I went to the arcade with my cousin today and played basketball and the zombie shooting game! The games are freaking awesome! I must say, arcade is a really good place to train up your hand muscles especially if you are playing the basketball game! My hands were aching like mad after shooting continuously, well, it doesn't really matter as long as I am having fun! And there was this little boy who kept disturbing us, throwing those small boys at me while I was aiming for the basket, and he blocked my view while I was shooting the zombies O_O There goes my money! I got killed by the zombies because the gun was not able to receive the sensor -.-

I'm heading to Kl tomorrow morning :) so I might not be able to update my blog as often, sorry to my loyal readers (this sentence makes me feel famous for a moment!) I will try to update as long as I have wifi! :D Peace out! xoxo

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Long Way To Go.

I'm not quite satisfied with the things that are happening around me recently, I thought it could be better, yes, it should be better if I didn't screw things up in the first place. I wouldn't blame anyone that bad things happen in my life because it's fated to be, but sometimes, things are just so overwhelming that they can suffocating and my energy are depleting in trying to fight away the unwanted thoughts and emotions. It's a war between reality and expectations of life. A tough war, and if I don't get the support that I want, I may lose.

Things happen for a reason, and there's always a reason why certain things happen. Whenever something unhappy happened to my loved and close ones, I will push the blame to myself and having the tendency to take up full responsibility for whatever that has happened. Because of this whole "I want to be blamed for whatever that has happened so that I will feel better" attitude has gotten into me and is draining me day by day when I try to overcome the inner part of me. I know I am fault, no matter how many times I'm being told that I'm not, sorry, that's not going to change my mind because when something happens, there should be at least 2 parties at fault or contribute to the happening of the issue, just like the saying goes, "It takes two hands to clap". I don't want to be told that I'm not at fault, the more someone says that, the more I'm going to push the blame to myself till I'm able to totally drown myself in guilt.

If we are talking about "forgiveness", then I'm sorry, 'cause I will not forgive that person who has done be wrong. Yes, I'm hurt, but this doesn't give me a reason to hate him/her. How can I forgive someone when I don't hate that person and I don't even have any grudges in me? No, I won't forgive for there's no reason why I should forgive because the person hasn't done me wrong. I'm not that person who bears grudges just because you've hurt me. Anyone out there who has this thinking, you're so wrong. If I can't handle the hurt and pain that I'm experiencing, how am I supposed to help others when I enter the working field? Maybe the word "hate" is never in my dictionary, though sometimes I like to say "I hate it when..." That's a totally different issue. Hating someone is tough, you are just wasting time hating someone when you know you could have used the time to do something better. In any case, time shall do the healing and before it does, I'm going to take a good breather and be selfish for this time and escape from the issue.

I'm off for some games now, peace out! xoxo

Tuesday, 20 September 2011


I'm a super emotional person, I wouldn't deny this, and I tear/cry really easily. Play a sad song and tell me about a sad story, you'll trigger the floodgates in me and I will start to tear. I've watched "Titanic" for several times and I always cry, without fail, though I wish I can control my tears a little better! I've cried while watching a comedy too >.< I don't know why I am this emotional, maybe I'm just too in touch with my feelings. At first, I really detest it when I cry 'cause it's like sending signals for people to "attack" me since I am weak. However, after going through so many lectures, I've finally realized that it's not weak to cry, on the other hand, crying is a way of being vulnerable to a person, especially someone close to you. If they can still accept you after seeing the weak side of you, they are truly someone to be kept in your life for good :) 

Other than the fact I love to cry (I only cry at certain times, so I'm not a cry baby!), I get jealous pretty easily, especially when I'm in a relationship. But, I have to emphasis that I'm not those type of "I'm jealous so whatever belongs to me will be mine and I will do anything to keep you away from my lover." This is the very extreme point of jealousy, and personally, I really can't stand people who do silly things due to overflowing jealousy. Yes, it's really hard to contain the jealousy when it comes, sometimes it's just able how you  handle it. I'm actually pretty glad that I know what "jealousy" is all about, at least it shows that I'm actually caring for that person, and that person is important to me! Like the saying goes, "Jealousy kills", I will do anything to control the jealousy that I'm experiencing and will not commit wrongdoings just to get revenge from the other party. 

There's no bad emotions, it's just about how you handle the emotions and what you do when you have those emotions (I feel like I'm going through one of the lecturers all over again, I'm school sick, for once!) I do get angry, like which human being don't get angry, it's just about the intensity. I have a friend who rarely gets angry, I admire her for that, she has such good temperament. I don't get angry easily, but towards my sister, I do get mad pretty easily, or rather annoyed. Sometimes when I'm angry, I cry (see, just proven that I love to cry, AGAIN!), if it doesn't help, I will just listen to music. MUSIC IS MY BEST BUDDY! When I was younger (probably a few years younger than I am right now), I used to punch the walls when I'm angry 'cause I was still immature and unable to sort out my thinking well, hence, resulting in me venting my anger on the walls. I don't like to talk to people when I am angry, I will just say the wrong things and make things worst, and regret my words after that. Well, now that I have better thinking skills, I'm not going to turn to the walls anymore!  

Oh, and I LOVE BEING HAPPY! This is the best feeling every, agree? AGREED! Sometimes, I just love the feeling of smiling non stop no matter what the cause is. It's a really awesome feeling. I can get happy over so many things, ranging from tiny little stuff to more important stuff. Let me give a few examples. I can get happy over leveling up when I play a certain game or defeating the enemy/monster/boss/beast/zombies in a particular level. As long as it gives me a sense of accomplishment by doing something that's right and not against my conscience, I am happy :) And I can get all smiling and happy when I know that someone gives birth, I love the feeling of knowing a newborn baby has arrived to Earth, it's a joyous occasion. SOMETHING THAT WILL MAKE ME REAL HAPPY is remembering my birthday and just wishing me :) Don't it just feel great knowing that someone actually bothers to remember your birthday? (without the help of Facebook). 

In any case, I've been through the mostly all the emotions stated above today, except for jealousy. I'm still handling well, I guess. I'm going to do some reflection later at night :) Peace out! xoxo

Monday, 19 September 2011


I'm actually not very hungry, just feel like putting that title down to make people hungry! Alright, I seriously don't think that anyone will go hungry just by looking at this title. Oh well, one of my silly ethics again! :) This is the only title that came to my mind, so I think it's sign for me to talk about my favorite food, everything/anything that is related to food (provided if I'm able to get my facts right)! It's going to be a fun post, or at least, entertaining enough to make people stay awake and drool! PROJECT DROOL AS YOU READ THIS POST begins now!

First of all (this reminds me of the letter writing lessons I have during English in secondary school!), I'm a huge fan of spicy food, ranging from curry to tom yam to laksa and more! Just put a plate of spicy dish in front of me, and it will be gone within seconds (just exaggerating it so that it brings out my love for spicy food). I have no idea why I'm so addicted to spicy food, I think my mum over ate chilli when she was having me, which caused me to be born with a "hot & spicy tooth". I have to say that, one of the reasons why I started eating chilli/spicy food is because of one sentence that my grandma said to me, which actually scared the living hell out of me since I'm just a little, young gullible kid! She told me that if I don't eat any chilli, my stomach will be filled with worms. And on hearing this, I've decided to start to eat chilli! See, young kids last time are so gullible, or maybe my grandma is just smart enough to trick me to eat it! KUDOS TO YOU GRANDMA! I love my grandma! (random much, but spread the love!) <3 

Secondly, I'm highly addicted to black pepper food too! Using the word "addict" makes me feel like I'm consuming something that can caused me to be put behind bars for several years, breaking the hearts of my loved ones, harming my own health and to ruin my bright future. Why am I talking so much when I can just use the word "drugs"? I have no idea, perhaps my hands are really itching to type more tonight! Whenever I'm having the "western food craze", I will just switch my eyes and target them at the section just serving black pepper dish! I don't care if it's chicken, fish or whatsoever, I just want the damn black pepper sauce! I have to be honest, though I love black pepper food, I can't stand some sauce that certain stalls serve 'cause they are way too salty O_O it kills my taste bud almost instantly! I will be a happy kid if you just serve me black pepper food when I'm craving for it! 

Let's continue on this journey of my favorite food (noticed I type "favorite" and NOT "favourite" 'cause LKY said we are going with the American English! Whee~) I actually contemplated when to put next since food is like the second best creation after music. I think I will just go with CHEESE! Yes, I am a cheese lover! Cheese waffles, pizza filled with loads of cheese, extra cheese when I visit Subway, Double Chesse Burger when I visit McDonald, cheese pancakes, baked rice with loads of cheese! FANTABULOS! :D I just love to eat cheese~ I think I am the only one in my family who can tolerate the cheesy smell! Proud to be a cheese lover! My favorite cheese will be Mozzarella <---- the best cheese you can ever ask for on Earth (according to me!)

Next on the list we have COFFEE! It's not exactly a food, but it's still someone consumable! Well, according to (Yes, I actually went to search for the exact meaning of the word 'cause I think I've been taking simple words for granted), the definition of food is anything that is eaten, drunk or taken into the body that promotes growth, provide energy etc. So I hereby declare that coffee is a food! I think coffee is awesome despite the fact it actually leaves yellows stains on human's teeth if it's not being well take care of. Of course, the most obvious advantage of coffee is keeping us humans awake especially when we need to burn midnight oil. Latte is my favorite type of coffee so far :) It's sad to say that I've never been really drinking it recently since I don't really get the chance to go out. Even if so, I'm always short of cash when I want to purchase a cup of coffee. Dear Latte, I'm sorry for neglecting you for the past few months, I know I'm in the wrong and I'm making my way back to you. Please wait for me!

If I were to continue my list of favorite food, I will probably spend a week to finish typing and reading such a  super long post can be tedious and tiring, especially for the eyes! I shall stop here now 'cause my eyes are sending me a signal to stop looking at the computer screen. It's being all jealous~ Whee! Peace out! xoxo

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Growing Up!

I'm posting using my iPod and it's really troublesome. My dad is using my laptop now since the desktop is being attacked by virus. Anyway, I hope there won't be any major typo in this post, but if there is, please kindly forgive me 'cause it's not easy to type using my iPod and checking for typos can be tedious.

Anyway, I will turn 18 in about 4 months time :D really looking forward to that day though there's nothing to go all excited about. I've alway wanted to throw a huge party during my sweet sixteen but I don't think I've celebrated my birthday last year. To be honest, my family and friends don't really celebrate my birthday because it's either during holidays or weekends when everyone is so busy. I really wanna throw a party next year!

Hmmm, I think I watched too much of the 'My Super Sweet Sixteen' on MTV that I'm yearning so much for a party! The most important parties in life happen when you're 16, 18 and 21. I've already missed the first one, so I shall look forward to the 2nd one :)

So! When I'm 18, I wanna throw a really huge party and invite my friends over and just have a good time! There's gonna be liquor and really awesome food. Oh well, I need a really huge place for that!

When I'm 18, I wanna be able to make my own decisions better at home. I wanna say what I wanna say and not be afraid to do so. I hate how my words are been taken as a deaf ear and I'm so freaking scared to voice out my opinions. I don't want to be like a prisoner at home..

When I'm 18, I wanna have my first 1k in my life. This sounds really stupid but, every time I have money in my bank, someone is bound to borrow the money from me. It seems like I'm an ATM machine to them -.- sigh.

When I'm 18, I wanna tell someone something I've should have said long time ago. No more regrets in my life, though it's not gonna be possible, I will try to minimize the amount of regrets I have in life. Of course, to study hard :)

Whee~ I'm going to have fried rice now! Peace out! xoxo

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Kidnap My Heart!

Whee~ I'm totally in love with this kid, they are the most adorable thing on Earth (according to me) :D
I spammed pictures of him 'cause he is just that cute!

I swear my phone's camera isn't good enough for me to snap quality pictures, but who cares? :D I managed to capture such adorable moments of this little boy!

And this is the only picture I snapped on my phone for today's health mapping exercise :( A little wasted but at least it's a memory to last me a lifetime!