Saturday, 3 September 2011


I hate being at home during weekends because my house is packed with kids, and my parents' friends, which makes me feel like my house is being invaded. Most importantly, my actions are pretty restricted because they are guests after all, so it's not wise to have any impolite or unacceptable actions at home. It's totally screwed. What is there for me to do despite the fact that I hate having so many people at home? I don't really a share in my opinions at home anyway, so whatever I think or feel really don't matter to anyone.

Anyway, I've been listening to really nice piano instrumental songs recently and I must say, piano produces the most soothing and calm melody ever. It may be a good idea that I keep some songs in my iPod or phone so I can listen to them whenever I'm feeling mad or tense. I'm honestly having those "I don't know how I feel" days, because I have mixed emotions every now and then, and it seems to me that I really have no idea what I'm really feeling inside. It has become another whole complex issue for me again. Looks like I need some time off and really sort out my thinking. I need to get out of house as soon as I can, I have been coping in at home ever since holidays started, only for that one day when I went out with my cousin. I'd rather go to school than to stay at home, at least I get to go all crazy and hyper with my friends. Staying at home is like living in hell for me >.< totally dislike it. 

I don't really know what to blog about now, so I'm off to Facebook games! Yes, I have a great addiction towards some of the games there, and probably gonna spam Twitter, that's my part time job. Have fun everyone!

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