Hello :) I'm back with a new post. I've recently made my blog to private because I had to get some matters off my chest so that I can feel better. Indeed, I posted a post yesterday night, and don't bother to search for it, because I've deleted it before making my blog public again! Well, I find it pretty pointless to have my blog being private since the main idea of having it was to share with others about my life and stories :) For the post that I've deleted, it's what I've been feeling inside all this while, and nobody knows what I wrote. Some words are meant to be unspoken, some actions are meant to be unexplained and some thoughts are meant to be unknown. Now that I've public it again, I will try to make my blog ALIVE :D
My day has been good so far, did something that was productive, and that was to PACK MY CUPBOARDS! I have been told to do so since last couple of months and given my lazy character, I kept delaying and finally, I managed to pack them today! It was not exactly that tedious since there's not much stuff in the cupboards other than the fact the messiness was taking its toll on me. I have no idea where and how to start packing because it was that messy O_O Oh well, at least I've accomplished my mission and my mum have nothing to complain about now. Somehow, I love to pack my cupboards because whenever I do so, I will find little notes and pieces of paper hanging all over the place and those words and memories put a smile on my face. Yes, I'm that type of person who clings desperately onto memories, those are the times which I treasure, and that's also the reason why I find it hard to let go at times. When I realized those memories are slowly killing me, that's the only time I will TRY to let go of everything and not care anymore.
Moving on... I watched a Thai movie today for 3 reasons. Firstly, I was bored. Secondly, my sister recommended it to me and thirdly and the most important reason was because I support human rights! :) The movie was about a lesbian couple who fought hard to maintain their love and relationship because one of them was afraid of how others will view her and her mum disagrees to such relationship. They got together eventually, and I really admire their courage to love each other despite disapproval from others. This may be just a movie but it does reflects what's happening in society. Some people are just so uptight with same gender relationships and strongly disapprove to such love. Tell me now, what's wrong? These people have the right to love, they are humans too. Personally, I really admire and salute those people who are brave enough to stand up for their love, be it same gender or opposite gender, because you have to fight for your love, not sit there and wait for it to happen. That movie brought me to tears, it was a touching movie and the love shared by the couple was just magnificent, they fell in love, they just did. Although it's based on Thai language, I still recommend people to watch, no harm watching, it may help you realized that same gender love isn't as scary as many people assume it will be :) We should dare to love, the right person doesn't come by easily, and when he/she enters your live, make a daring move and love him/her till the end.
There's a GOOD news for me today! :D I was browsing through Facebook news feed today and something caught my attention. RAINIE YANG AND SHOW LUO ARE GOING TO WORK TOGETHER AGAIN! :) They went to Melbourne recently for photo shoot session and I think they are either working on a drama or movie, in any case, I will have to support their product because I've been waiting eagerly for them to work together again ever since Hi My Sweetheart darma! I'm looking forward for that and hope that both of them will be able to win awards for their efforts <3
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