Saturday, 17 March 2012


Alright, this is going to be a long post because I am going to rant about my displeasure towards certain issues. Before I start, let me state a few pointers to whoever is reading this post. Firstly, this post is NOT targeted at anyone, if you think I am referring to you, then it's you, if you think otherwise, then good for you. I am not out here to put anyone down, I'm merely just sharing my viewpoints, if you are highly displeased or unhappy, then kindly stop reading and do other things. Secondly, this post has a high chance of making me heartless, so if you are starting to think that I am a heartless person, so be it, I cared too much that's why. I am not directing this post to anybody, get your facts right. Yep, so here we go!

To start with, blog is a place for me to share my stories and my opinions on certain issues. I created a blog as an alternative outlet for me, if you can't stand the way I blog or the way I comment on certain issues, it's simple, just stop reading. I wouldn't know whether you read it or not, unless you tell me personally. Similarly, this applies to Twitter too. I created a Twitter account to share how I feel and of course to relate to others about how I feel. If anyone who follows me thinks that I am spamming Twitter way too much or I am talking to my friends way too much on Twitter that you can't stand it, once again, it is as simple as ABC, you can simply click the "unfollow" button, it is created for a purpose. You have your freedom to unfollow me, I have the freedom to speak and post about anything I want. If it upsets you, I'm sorry, but it can only upset you if you allows you to. I don't have that much time to actually check who unfollow me, I am not that free. If you really want to, click it. It's not like I'm going to kill or blame you for doing so, I don't have the right to control what you want to do, and nobody has the right to restrict what I want to do either. It works both way.

Sometimes, people just need to learn to view issues on different perspectives. There's no one single perspective that is absolutely right or wrong. If you insist that yours is right, then I'm sorry, you are being too superficial. Honestly, I hate it when people judges so quickly, especially towards my friends. Quit judging when you all you know is their names and not what they have been through. You are not always right and given that judgmental attitude of yours, I'm surprised you managed to get pass all that you've said. Who entitles you the right to judge people? Well, it's true that everybody judges at some point of time, but if you are able to view it in a different manner, maybe you will no longer judge so much. At certain times, you just need to keep your views to yourself, especially when you don't know the person well enough to cast your judgement on that person, you get it? Oh, stop maligning others without knowing the full story, that's not gonna work and it's definitely not going to impress me.

How to you show that you care for your friends and those whom you love? You can care for that particular person when you are with him/her, but when you are not with that person, you stop caring. Is this really what  caring is all about? No, it's not genuine. I'd rather people not care if it's not true or when they care for the sake of caring. You can care at some point of time, and if are going to do things to hurt me or others, stop telling me that you care. If you don't care, tell me straight in my face, it doesn't bothers me much. If you have anything that you are unhappy about me, tell me personally, don't talk behind my backs, it's a lowly method. If you care, you care all the way. I don't see the need of caring for someone and yet, when you turn around, you are talking about that person like he/she is not important.

Just a piece of advice: think for yourself, decide for yourself and make choices that you are happy without the influence of others. You will regret when you realized you are being over dependent on another. It's your life, you should lead it the way you want it to be and not following what others say. Stand up for yourself! You should be responsible for your life, don't hand it to others to decide for you because you will never be truly happy.

I am talking a lot, and I know I sound really mean, harsh and heartless here, but like I said earlier, I care too much last time, that's why I don't wanna continue to care anymore.

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