Wednesday, 4 January 2012

One Less Stress.

Woohoo~ I managed to find some time off my busy schedule to update my blog. I made myself sound like I'm working on a million dollar deal! :D I've been pretty stress and busy recently, with the only goal to prepare for my group activity, which was held earlier today. I've spend weeks in planning, intervening this activity. I think I've lost quite a number of brain cells, and I've improvised my proposal for many many times. I started planning for this activity before I left for KL, and when I was back there, my mind was flooded with thoughts relating to my activity. It's stuck within me, be it whether I'm getting ready to head to bed, having meals or in the shower, I can't keep my mind off this activity. It has unknowingly became part and parcel of my life!

My activity had something to do with eggs, and some condiments. I spent so much time trying to figure out what are the condiments that I should use. I was really nervous and stressful today because I have no idea if my plan will turn out the way I want it to be. I keep reminding myself of the steps that I need to follow, and make sure I bring everything to school. It was a stressful period for me, it's a form of psychological torture. Oh well~ What made me feel nervous the most was the fact that my friends will be playing 5 different roles, each with a different role that they need to act out and I have to deal with them. It's like problematic behaviour that will be displayed in the group. The 5 roles were:
  1. Advisor
  2. Silent observer
  3. Assistant leader
  4. Superior
  5. Storyteller 
It was scary to me because I have to think of the methods to deal with such situations on the spot, no script, no lines, it was a difficult job. I was the 3rd to conduct my activity to me, and with the clock ticking, I can feel my heart beating faster and faster, as if it was about to drop out. It was that scary, that torturing and stressful. 

For one of my friends activity, I was given the role of the silent observer. At first, I thought it would be a difficult role for me to portray successfully since, I admit, I'm a talkative and noisy person. Amazingly, I managed to emerge myself fully into this role and kept quiet throughout the activity. I guess it was due to the fact that I was nervous about my facilitation which was approaching soon. I like the first two activities that my friends has planned, it was fun to play, and really challenging. Both of them seemed so nervous, which in turn, added to my level of nervousness. I couldn't really focus on the games and debrief because my mind is entirely occupied by my own thoughts on my activity, I was in my own world. Finally, it was my turn to facilitate. I had some difficulty setting up the place since I didn't really consider thoroughly how I wanted the circle to be like.. But, this was soon over, thanks to the great co-operation my friends rendered to me! 

For the first part, the members were supposed to balance a hard boiled egg on the table top surface within 3 minutes. If everything goes as planned, I would expect everyone to not be able to balance the egg. HOWEVER! That's not the case, one of my friends managed to balance the egg, and it totally struck me. I got a little flustered, because this meant that I have to rethink of a debrief for my activity. In any case, I reacted by asking the rest of the members to give her a round of a applause because personally, I've tried the activity and I failed in balancing the egg. I should practice more! For the second part, the members were supposed to choose from the 6 condiments provided for them and do a try and error method to find the correct one that will help in balancing the egg. When I was trying out the experiment, only the salt works, strictly speaking, only the salt will help in balancing the egg. So, there came another crisis, there were responds like chilli powder and sugar are capable of balancing the egg as well. I was once again, taken aback. The entire original plan was side tracked and I have no idea what to do. I couldn't figure out the reason why such a thing happened, all I can do were to proceed on with my activity and try to twist and turn my debrief to fit the situation. Oh, just to mention, my lecturer played the role of the storyteller, and she did a really good job! I was annoyed by her, and was trying hard to stop her from telling her stories to the others. PHEW! I managed to handle her, and eventually, completed my activity. Though it was far off from the way I've planned it, I'm pretty satisfied with myself during the facilitation! :) 

Now, there's gonna be one less stress for me. I can finally concentrate on my presentations and revision now. My "sister" came to my house today, wanting to borrow a black shirt for tomorrow, and I ended up opening every drawer I have to show her. She was like assessing my house. One good point she made: my house is small. YES, my house is indeed very small, there isn't a lot of space to hold too many people. She's the second visitor from my class whom has visited my house. I don't usually bring people to my house because of my mum, and when I do, feel honored :P Just kidding, when I do bring people to my house, it will be of a reason, either for borrowing of something or for some other reasons. She witnessed the way I interacted with my mum, which I guess was a good thing ;) 

Anyway, I'm gonna bathe and start with my revision now. I need to study as much as I can tonight before I send my notes and textbooks for open house tomorrow! Oh, mentioning of open house, I'm looking forward to it, I have no idea why, I just have a feeling that it will be fun! :D I have to pack so many things for the open house tomorrow, poor me! Have a good time ahead, peace out! xoxo 

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