Monday, 30 January 2012

Still The Same.

Today is just another average day for me, lots of thinking done though I've promised myself not to be bothered by the thoughts till after exams. It's just tough at times, when that issue is the ONLY one that's troubling me as of now, throwing away exams worries. Anyway, had revision lectures today and found out there there's actually A LOT to study >.< I'm glad that my lecturers gave revision lectures so that I know where to zoom my focus too! Went to TCM again, and sadly, my leg's condition is still the same.. NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

Side track a little, I had the shock of my life last night, at 8pm. There was a miscommunication between my lecturer and group because of the word "postpone" O_O To me lecturer, she meant to postpone the discussion, NOT the presentation, and for my group, it was the opposite >.< I had to mass send a text to my entire class to inform that the the tutorial is cancelled, feel so sorry for creating such a huge mess. SORRY :(
Anyway, I have a presentation to do tomorrow, and I need to prepare for it, kinda impromptu, but I believe that my group can do it! :D Gahhh, haven't had the time to revise on my group dynamics! I don't know what else to type now~ my brain isn't functioning well tonight. BRAIN DEAD. 

Hmmm, so I'm addicted to cards shuffling, and I'm still learning how to do so. I'm like getting sleepy now... But I still have to prepare for presentation and revise my work.. SIGH. My house is really noisy now, I have no idea where I have find my peace and concentration. Ugh, save me! Anyway, this is a short post I know, just gonna leave it as it is before I feel less stressed to post. Need to wake up early tomorrow since I have to be in school by 8am.. GOODNIGHT WORLD. 


This is my favourite dish :) 

I'm trying to shuffle this pile of cards :D NEVER GIVE UP!

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