Thursday, 5 January 2012

Open House!

Today marks the day for the first time I actually participated in an open house. I don't go to open houses because I'm usually too lazy to visit. I was looking forward to my school's open house though I have no idea why, I just have a feeling that it will be a good one ;) It feels great to be able to help out for the open house, and it certainly feels good to see the class coming together as one and help each other out during the event! Those scenes made me smile, guess I'm easily contended.

I love how I'm being pushed around the cart by my friends, it's super fun! :D I love it when my friend pushes the cart as high speed, but at the same time, I'm scared I will fall since there isn't anything for me to hold on to. Kenji pushed the cart to the toilet with me sitting on it, and everyone was staring at us, mainly me, because I looked retarded, like some lunatic screaming helplessly. I don't mind the stares as long as I'm having fun! I'm in charge of the counselling section and that made me nervous since I've not been practicing the skills for quite some time. I have to keep reminding myself which skills I should use, what questions I should ask. I don't want to disgrace myself in front of those who will be visiting our course. I had to rehearse those skills while I'm on the bus to school >.< Initially, I wasn't expecting many people to come to our class and understand the course, since it's a new course and it's located in an area that not many people know how to make their way there unless someone guide them there (which majority of the people who came were guided by students from NYP). I was really glad that quite a number of people turned up today. I think many people are still pretty unfamiliar with our course. It's alright, we will try our best to promote and advertised it!

I went home early because I was tired and I wasn't in the right mood to further continue helping out. I decided to go for a swim to clear my mind and hopefully, feel better after a few laps in the pool. As usual, impromptu arrangement will get a scolding from my mum. She hates the fact that I inform her about certain arrangement so suddenly, so I got a scolding before I managed to go to the pool. My ears are superbly thankful when I left the house, it's a relief! When I got to the pool, there wasn't anyone swimming int he adult pool, so it felt pretty awkward when I was the ONLY one who were swimming. What made it more embarrassing was the fact that the lifeguard was staring at me. WEIRD! It finally got better when more people started to swim in the adult pool, I no longer felt so weird :D I swam about 18 laps before my hands started to ache so I had to stop swimming. Poor me~

I'm feeling super sleepy now, I'm just gonna slack for a while before heading to bed. I need to wake up super early tomorrow to send my cousin back to KL. Goodnight peeps! xoxo

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